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Girl/Guy it mean either A: he expects you to text or call him first B: he is playing hard to get or C: he dose not like you the way that you like him. Sorry but that could be the plain and simple truth. Ask him about it or wait and see if he text you. Maybe he is just playing hard to get or hes just not as keen on you as you are. PLAY HARD TO GET . but if you text him first i advise u to stop texting him first and he will think " wheres my attention gone"? , he will think your pulling away or giving up and he will start texting you back . hope this helps you

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Q: What does it mean when a guy is never the one to text you first?
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How many days should you text a guy first before you should stop?

you never should text the guy first that's how i was raised!

What does it mean when a guy stops texting you but hugs you when he sees you?

It can mean a few things; maybe he fell asleep, never got the text, or was doing something at the time. When he hugged you he was probably unaware of the text.

What does it mean when a guy tex ts ttyl but never does?

It means he doesn't want to talk to you, or he wants to be friends but doesn't know how to start a conversation.You could always text him first and sees if he replies.

How do you know a guy is interested in you when you text?

if they like to text back.... or if they text first

What does it mean when a guy has feelings for you but has never seen me just text through the phone?

Until you actually meet, you have no way to know what it means.

Is a guy always supposed to text you?

Not always. You can start the conversation sometimes also. Most girls want the guy to text first, but sometimes he wants you to text first

You started talking to a guy and always text him first. Then when you don't text first you don't hear from him at all. What does that mean?

He's not that into you and only texts to be polite because you texted him first. If he really liked you he'd be texting you first.

Are you annoying to a guy if you text him everyday and you are the first one to start the conversation?

Well I would say it depends on the guy. If he doesn't text you back, and you continue to do so, it may mean he is being irritated by the constant attention.

What does it mean if a guy is outgoing and never talks to you first but responds when you talk to him first?

That he is polite but probably not interested in you.

When a guy says txt you later when does later acctualy mean?

Most of the time it means he's not interested and will probably never text you back.

How do you know when you should text a guy first?

If you like this guy as more then a friend and he likes you its best to have him text you first, but if you don't wanna do it that way just say hey how are you

Why does a guy text me first but doesnt really try to keep the conversation going?

When a guy texts you but not a lot could mean two things. The guy could be busy or he does not not really like you.