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Q: What does it simply in the real world?
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The real, world-class scientists don't work to prove things.They simply try to discover and describe what is.

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Variables are simply used as a connection to the real world, a variable may represent a number you have to find and you can use an equation to do so.

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Friar Laurence acted as in the world of fantasy, but in real he is in the real world. he act as an evil form in the real world.

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Surely, the world is real.

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It is food which is real and in the real world.

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Hmmm.... Odd question, but i know the answer. Video game characters are simply characters made from the emotions and actions of people in the real world. Their appearances are based on people in the real world. So, in a sense, yes, video game characters do exists.

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A fjord is a real world example of a fjord! They exist in the real world.

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real world

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The answer is simply 0!