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Probability of zero means that there is no chance that the event will happen. First example that comes to mind: What is the probability of rolling a 7 on one roll of a standard six-sided die. Well you can't, so the probability of this happening is zero.

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Q: What does probability of zero mean?
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What does a probability of 0 mean?

If an event has a probability of zero (0) that means that it cannot happen; it is completely impossible.If a number has a probability of zero, then it never occurs, no matter how many times you try.

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A probability of one means that the outcome will definitely occur.Not asked, but answered for completeness sake - a probability of zero means that the outcome will definitely not occur. Probability always lies between zero and one, inclusive.

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The probability, in my case, is zero.

What does a probability of 0 mean give an example?

ifan event has a probability of zero it'll never happen. 6 over 0 will never happen.

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