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The equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b and c are real and a is non-zero has discriminant D = b^2 – 4ac. Then,

  • if D > 0 the equation has two real roots which are distinct;
  • if D = 0 the equation has two real roots which are coincident;
  • if D < 0 the equation has two roots which form a complex conjugate pair (advanced mathematics only).
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Q: What does the discriminant tell us about the nature of the roots?
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What is the discriminant?

If a quadratic equation is ax2+bx+cthen we can learn something about the roots withoutcompletely solving the quadratic formula.The discriminant is b2-4ac. You may recognize this as part of the quadratic formula.If the value is a non-zero perfect square, there are 2 rational rootsIf the value is an imperfect square, there are 2 irrational rootsIf the value is zero, there is 1 rational root (parabola vertex is on the x-axis)If the value is negative, there are imaginary roots (no intersection with x-axis)The discriminant, therefore, tells us the nature of the roots.

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