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Please consider the probability density function graphs for the beta distribution, given in the link.

For alpha=beta=2, the density is unimodal, which is to say, it has a single maximum.

In contrast, for alpha=beta=0.5, the density is bimodal; it has two maxima.

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Q: What does unimodal mean?
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No they are not the same in a unimodal symmetrical distribution and they will never be

In a unimodal symmetrical distribution the mean is equal to?

The median and mode.

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It may be or may not be; however a normal distribution is unimodal.

In a perfectly symmetrical unimodal distribution is the mode and the median the same as the mean?

No, it is in general not true - for example for uniform distribution on [0,1] every number in the interval is a mode, but the mean is 1/2. The correct answer would be that a symmetric unimodal distribution has one mode equal to the mean (but may have modes elsewhere).

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Unimodal is having a normal disturbution. The mean, median, and mode are all a the center. When looking at a graph, there is one maximum.

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How would you describe the shape of a normal curve?

Bell-shaped, unimodal, symmetric

Are all unimodal distributions normal?

No. Normal distribution is a special case of distribution.