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Q: What effect does doubling the radius and tripling the height of a cone have on the cone's volume?
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What effect does tripling the radius and doubling the height of a cone have on the cone's volume?

the volume changes as radius squared and linear with height, so tripling radius and double of height gives 3 x 3 x 2 = 18 times more volume

What effects the cylinder more doubling the radius or doubling the height?

They both have the same effect on the surface area of the pipe, but the radius has more effect on its volume/capacity.

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What effect does tripling the height of a cylinder have on the cylinder's curved surface area?

The surface area of the curved part of a cylinder is pi*r2h, where r is the radius and h is the height. If the height is tripled, the area becomes pi*r2(3h), or 3(pi*r2h). So if the height is tripled, the area of the curved surface is also tripled.

How does doubling the radius of a cylinder affect the volume?

Doubling the radius quadruples the volume.

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Can you find the diameter by doubling the radius?

Yes, the radius is half of the diameter, therefore the diameter is twice the radius.

Fill in the blank Tripling the radius of a sphere increases the surface area by a factor of?


Doubling the radius of a sphere increases the surface area by a factor of?


Is the height of a hemisphere the same as the radius?

Yes its height is the same as its radius

What happens to the area of a circle when you triple the radius?

As the area of a circle is pi*radius2 the increase in area is a factor of 32. So tripling the radius gives an increase in area by a factor of 9.

How is the circumference of a circle with radius 9 cm related to the circumference of a circle with diameter of 9cm?

Doubling the radius doubles the circumference.