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the circumference of the circle divided by pi (button or 3.14) - Maths

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Q: What formula do you use to find the diameter of the circumference?
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What formula do you use if you know the diameter of a circle and want to find the circumference?

circumference of a circle = pi * diameter.

What formula will you use to find the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 2.2h?

Circumference of a circle = pi*diameter or 2*pi*radius

What is the formula for the diameter or a circle?

If you are given the radius of the circle, you can use the formula: diameter = 2*radius If you are given the circumference of the circle, you can use the formula: diameter = circumference/pi

Han is buying new tires for his bike. He wants to make sure the new tires will fit on his bike but the only measurement he has is the diameter of 4.0 inches. What is the circumference of the new tires in inches?

To find the circumference of the tires, you can use the formula: Circumference = π * Diameter. Given that the diameter is 4.0 inches, you can plug it into the formula to find the circumference. Circumference = π * 4.0 inches = 12.56 inches (approximately)

How do you find diameter and circumference?

Where C=circumference, r= radius and d=diameter To find circumference: C=2 x pi x r or you can use the formula C=pi x d To find diameter just multiply the radius by 2 if you know what the radius is. If you do not know the radius, but you know the circumference and need diameter use the following formula: C/pi=d Happy Computing!!!

How do you determine the circumference of a circle if you know the radius?

use the formula pi*diameter = circumference and the formula diameter = 2*radius and combine them 2pi*radius = circumference now you have a formula that you can just plug you numbers into. if you have 3 as your radius, then this is how to find the circumference 2pi*3=circumference 6.28*3=circumference 18.84=circumference

What formula do you use to find the radius diameter and circumference of a circle?

Radius is diameter divided by two. Diameter is radius times two or circumference divided by pi. Circumference is diameter times pi. Pi is roughly 3.14

When do you need to use circumference?

The formula is Pie*Diameter

How do you fimd the radius and diameter of a circle?

If you know the circumference, use the formula for circumference (C=pi*diameter), but rearrange it to get Diameter= circumference/pi. Then just sub in values.

How do you find the diameter without the circumference?

The diameter of a circle can be found without the circumference using the formula d = 2r. This formula requires that you know the radius of the circle which is half of the diameter. To calculate the diameter you need to multiply the radius by 2. For example if the radius of the circle is 4 then the diameter would be 8 (4 x 2 = 8).You can also find the diameter of a circle if you know the circumference. To do this use the formula c = d. By rearranging the equation you can calculate the diameter as d = c/. For example if the circumference of the circle is 12.5 the diameter would be 4 (12.5/ = 4).

Find the circumference of the circle Use 3.14?

You'll need either the radius or diameter first. If you have the diameter, the formula is: d x 3.14 = circumference. If you have the radius: r x 2 x 3.14 = circumference

What is the formula to finding the diameter of a circle that has a circumference?

Circumference = Pi * D (the diameter) Therefore D = Circumference / Pi Naturally all circles have a circumference, but if this value is known then we can find the diameter by dividing this value by Pi. (Note: Pi is a special number and we can only ever use an approximation to its value.)