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David Jean

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Q: What happened to your strength as you progressed through each trial how does your graph show this?
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Find the yield strength from a stress-strain graph?

Follow the graph's positive slope (across the first quadrant) until the graph is no longer linear. The yield strength is determined to be the last point (with concern given to the stress value) on the linear section. After this point the graph is irregular because the material has failed to a point of no return and can no longer handle the load (stress).

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A scatter graph can be used to establish whether or not there is correlation and to get an approximate idea as to its strength. But no graph will actually measure correlation.

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One historian who organized her study of the past based on the category theme was Annales School historian Fernand Braudel. He emphasized long-term social and economic structures, focusing on themes like geography, climate, and material life to understand historical development. His approach contributed to the establishment of interdisciplinary historical studies.

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angle of ( Q ) is the definition of starting strength

Why are graphs helpful?

because you put information down with your data on a graph it tells what happened and when it happened! Did this help:)

How can you tell if a graph sHow is a function?

Test it by the vertical line test. That is, if a vertical line passes through the two points of the graph, this graph is not the graph of a function.

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What Graph a line that goes through the points -3-2 and 47?

We don't have your graph so can't answer your question.

If a line on a distance-time graph becomes steeper what has happened to the speed of the object?

It has increased.

Which type of line that tests for a function?

Vertical line. If you can draw a vertical line through some part of a graph and it will intersect with the graph twice, the graph isn't a function.

What The best-fit line must go through all data points on a graph.?

No, the best fit line need not go through any data point on a graph.

How do you know if a graph is proportional?

It is a graph of a proportional relationship if it is either: a straight lie through the origin, ora rectangular hyperbola.