incident complexity
Emergency managemtn working group
With probability sampling you have no control over the units that are sampled. So the only way to reduce the margin of error is to increase the size of the sample.
A crude odds ratio is the probability that a case preceeded the control in regard to exposure and history.
If you are talking about mass produced bottles then the probability is very low. There would certainly be some form of quality control in the system to ensure the items fall between the tolerances required.
incident complexity
incident complexity
incident complexity
A combination of involved factors that affect the probability of control of the incident.
incident complexity
Emergency managemtn working group
Span of Control
The size and complexity of the incident can affect the control effort. Larger incidents with multiple variables and unknown factors may be more challenging to control compared to smaller, simpler incidents. Additionally, the level of preparedness and response capabilities of the involved parties can impact control effectiveness.
C. Both A and B Area involved and Threat to life and property
This is True
the probability is very small
Span of Control