the digits in base ten are: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, base two it's: ones, twos, fours, eights, sixteens, thirty-twos, sixty-fours, one twenty-eights, two fifty-sixes, base sixteen, the digits are: ones, sixteens, two fifty-sixes, four thousand ninety-sixes, sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-sixes, every fourth place of base two is also a digit in base sixteen.
8 + 8 is SIXTEEN.
Sixteen and a half.
sixteen and three hundreds = 316 sixteen and three hundredths = 16.03
271 is 10F in base 16 and 100001111 in binary.
the digits in base ten are: ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, base two it's: ones, twos, fours, eights, sixteens, thirty-twos, sixty-fours, one twenty-eights, two fifty-sixes, base sixteen, the digits are: ones, sixteens, two fifty-sixes, four thousand ninety-sixes, sixty-five thousand five hundred thirty-sixes, every fourth place of base two is also a digit in base sixteen.
It is only true in the sense that any numeric base, expressed in that base, is represented with the symbol "10". Confusing? Let's clarify that. Hexadecimal numbers use sixteen as the base. But how do you express the value sixteen in hexadecimal? Quite easy, it would be written as "10". The same is true in any other base. For example, in binary (base two), the value two is expressed as "10". In octal (base eight), the value eight is expressed as "10". In decimal (our familiar base ten), the value ten is expressed as "10". No matter what base you work in, the base itself will always be expressed as "10". That however is not the same thing as saying that hexadecimal numbers are based on the number ten. That is incorrect. Hexadecimal numbers use the base sixteen.
1276710 = ?Dividing by 163 (4096), we have 3 r 479.3(163)Dividing by 162 (256), we have 1 r 223.1(162)Dividing by 16, we have 13 r 15.d(16)Now, 15 is the final remainder, which yields f for the end digit.Thus:31df is your answer.
Once boys get to the age of sixteen, they are playing on a diamond that is 90 feet from base to base or 360 feet around the bases
sweet sixteen is usley celerbrated only when ur sixteen not 12 or 11 only sixteen.
64 Base = Percentage/Rate Base = 16/25% = 16/0.25 = 64 thus; 25% of 64 is equal to 16.
The area of a triangle is base x height ... soo...... 9 x 16 =144 cm squared =)