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If x=4... then 'y' MUST equal 3 !

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Q: What is 2x-y equals 5 when x equals 4?
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2xy x equals 5 y equals 3?

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2xy - 4x plus 8y - 16 equals x plus 4 in parentheses multiplied by 2y minus 4 in parentheses. So, the factors are ( x + 4) and ( 2y - 4) .

(x2 + 2y) (x3 - 2xy + y3)?

(x^2 + 2y)(x^3 - 2xy + y^3) = x^2(x^3 - 2xy + y^3) + 2y(x^3 - 2xy + y^3) Now, let's distribute each term: = x^2 * x^3 - x^2 * 2xy + x^2 * y^3 + 2y * x^3 - 2y * 2xy + 2y * y^3 Now, simplify each term: = x^5 - 2x^3y + x^2y^3 + 2x^3y - 4xy^2 + 2y^4 Now, combine like terms: = x^5 + x^2y^3 - 4xy^2 + 2y^4 So, the expanded form of (x^2 + 2y)(x^3 - 2xy + y^3) is x^5 + x^2y^3 - 4xy^2 + 2y^4.

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Assuming y' is dy/dx, y = x^4/4 + yx^2

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4xy - 2y(x + 4) = 4xy - 2xy - 8y = 2xy - 8y = 2y(x - 4)

What is the perimeter of the rectangle in which A equals 2xymi?

The question doesn't nail it down; i.e., there can be several answers that satisfy the given information. Perimeter 'P' = 2 x (Length + Width) Area 'A' = (Length) x (Width) = 2 x y What is the Length, and what is the Width ? Here are five correct answers: ==> If the rectangle is (2) by (x y), A = 2xy, P = 4 + 2xy ==> If the rectangle is (2x) by (y), A = 2xy, P = 4x + 2y ==> If the rectangle is (x) by (2y), A = 2xy, P = 2x + 4y ==> If the rectangle is (1) by (2xy), A = 2xy, P = 2 + 4xy ==> If the rectangle is (0.1) by (20xy), A = 2xy, P = 0.2 + 40xy

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5 x 4 equals 4 x 5 is commutative property.

When x-y equals 7 and xy equals 8 find the value of x square plus y square?

x2 + y2 = x2 - 2xy + y2 + 2xy = (x - y)2 + 2xy = 72 + 2*8 = 49 + 16 = 65 You could, instead, solve the two equations for x and y and substitute, but the above method is simpler.

How do you evaluate 2xy times 9 if x equals 3 and y equals 2?

2xy*9 if x=3 and y = 2 2(3)(2)*9 12*9 108 You substitute x and y for their equivalent (3 and 2) then simply multiply 2*x*y, then multiply the answer of that by 9.

2xy + 2xy squared?

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