'0030' is in 24 hour time. In twelve hour time it is 12:30 am . As spoken, it is 'half past midniught'.
Planes fly, not plains. 3575 miles at 650 miles per hour = 3575 / 650 hours = 5.5 hours.
12 hour clock but could say the time in a 24 hour clock Analogue describes construction, not hours. It can be either.
It is 10 am in the form of 24 hours.
yes, 24 hour time is called 24 hour time!!
650 s in the h of c means that there are 650 seconds in a hour of continuous time.
Is 24 hour time related to our normal time
12.02am(midnight) as a 24 hour time would be 00:02.
In 24-hour time, it's "1500 hours". In 12-hour time, it's "3:00 PM".
At peak production, one B-24 per hour and 650 per month in 1944.
As the 24 hour clock goes from 0000 to 2400 then 100 hours is 1am.
9pm in 24 hour time is 21:00. It can also be written as '2100 hours'.
'0030' is in 24 hour time. In twelve hour time it is 12:30 am . As spoken, it is 'half past midniught'.
24..all an hour apart, and an hour's difference.
The 24 hour version of 8:00pm is 20:00.