9x2 + 3x / 3x equals (3x + 1).9x2 + 3x divided by x is 9x + 3 , and then divided by 3 yields the 3x +1.
9x2-9x-10 = (3x+2)(3x-5) when factored
9x2...I guess that means 9x squared ? The problem: 9x(squared)+12x+4 Here's the answer: (3x+2)(3x+2) or even more simplified: (3x+2) squared
Step 1: Divide by 9x: 9x (x2 + 3x - 10) = 9x(x + 5)(x - 2)
(9x)2 +9x/(45x)2 +81= 9+9x/86
9x2 + 3x / 3x equals (3x + 1).9x2 + 3x divided by x is 9x + 3 , and then divided by 3 yields the 3x +1.
That factors to 3x(3x - 1)
9x2-9x-10 = (3x+2)(3x-5) when factored
(3x + 8)(3x - 8)
It is a difference of squares. 9x^2-49=(3x+7)(3x-7)
This is a difference of two squares, which factorises to: (3x - 4y)(3x + 4y)
9x2...I guess that means 9x squared ? The problem: 9x(squared)+12x+4 Here's the answer: (3x+2)(3x+2) or even more simplified: (3x+2) squared
Step 1: Divide by 9x: 9x (x2 + 3x - 10) = 9x(x + 5)(x - 2)
it is a combination of perfect squares the square of 9x is squared is +/- 3x, and the square of 4 is +/- 2 so the answer is (3x+2)(3x-2) which is 9xsquared-6x+6x-4 =9xsquared-4
(9x)2 +9x/(45x)2 +81= 9+9x/86
(3x - y+ 2)(3x + y + 2)