Velocity. Because 2 Km is(speed) and south direction
11 km is a measure of distance, with dimensions [L]. Miles per hour is a measure of speed, with dimensions [LT-1]. The two measure different things and one cannot be converted to the other.
None. A km is a measure of length whereas a square kilometre is a measure of area. There is no direct conversion between the two.
A gram is used to measure weight and a km to measure distance. As they measure different things, there is no formula to convert between them.
What? A gram is a measure of mass. A kilometre is a measure of distance. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
Velocity. Because 2 Km is(speed) and south direction
There is no answer: A hectare (ha) is a measure of area (two dimensions). A kilometer (km) is a measure of length (one dimension).
You cannot compare the two. 300 km is a measure of distance while mph is a measure of speed.
Kilometers (km).
The resultant is 2 km South.
You cannot compare the two. mph is a measure of speed while 300 km is a measure of distance.
2 km south
Nothing. A km is a linear measure - a measure of distance or length. A square mile is a measure of area. The two measure different things and, according t the most basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
Hours cannot be converted to km. Hours is a measure of time and km is a measure of distance.
There are 1,000,000 grams in a kilogram. Since 'km' is not a standard unit for measuring weight, the conversion to grams would depend on what you are measuring.
11 km is a measure of distance, with dimensions [L]. Miles per hour is a measure of speed, with dimensions [LT-1]. The two measure different things and one cannot be converted to the other.
Meter, kilometer is the SI equivalent to the mile.