

What is a smelting by-product?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is a smelting by-product?
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What are the positives of smelting?


What byproduct of protein catabolism constitutes approximately one half of all nitrogen waste?


How many grams is 125 mg?

There are two ways to do this. Since there is only one answer, the two ways show us that the fraction 1/8=.125. This is just a fun byproduct of this problem. 1. since 125x8=1000 we know that 125 mg is 1/8 of 1000 mg and 1000 mg is 1 gram. 2. 125 mg x 1gram/1000 mg=125/1000. So 125 mg is .125 grams. Now since there is only one answer, we must have .125=1/8

What word pictures were used in the bible?

Jesus used approx 50 different 'word pictures' just in the Sermon on the Mount.In the whole Bible there are way toooo many to list.Here's but one 'word picture' found at Romans 12:20:"If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals upon his head." Does the heaping of fiery coals on a person's head indicate a retaliatory punishment? No, not when we understand the point of similarity. This word picture is drawn from the ancient process of smelting. Ore was heated on a bed of coals, and some coals were heaped on top of the ore as well. This process melted the ore and caused the pure metal to separate from any impurities. Likewise, exercising kindness will tend to soften a person's attitude and bring out the good in him.Neat eh? Bet you didn't know that.

What times 12 equals?

any thing time anything that equals positive twelve just make one of the numbers negative for example -6 times 2 .. -4 times 3 and so on

Related questions

What is smelting waste called?

Smelting waste is often referred to as slag. Slag is the byproduct generated during the smelting process when impurities are separated from the metal ore.

What is slag a rock?

A slag rock is an artificial rock. Slag is made as a byproduct of industrial processes such as metal mining. It is also produced by iron smelting such as in steel mills.

What is waste from smelting?

Waste from smelting, also called smelting slag, is a byproduct of the smelting process where impurities and other non-metallic elements are separated from molten metal. It often contains various metals and chemicals, making it potentially hazardous to the environment if not properly treated and disposed of. Recycling and reusing smelting waste can help minimize environmental impact.

What byproduct is obtained during the separation of lead from rock?

During the separation of lead from rock, one common byproduct obtained is sulfur dioxide gas. This byproduct is a result of the oxidation of sulfur-containing minerals present in the rock during the smelting process.

How did the soil become contaminated with sulfuric acid in the copper basin?

The soil in the Copper Basin became contaminated with sulfuric acid due to the process of smelting copper ore. Sulfuric acid is a byproduct of this smelting process, and releases into the environment, contaminating the soil in the surrounding area.

What is a smeltery byproduct?

A smeltery byproduct is a secondary material that is produced during the process of smelting ores to extract metal. These byproducts can include slag, gases, and dusts that are separated from the desired metal during refining. Proper disposal or recycling of these byproducts is important to minimize environmental impact.

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Germanium is primarily obtained as a byproduct of zinc ore processing. It is extracted from the roasted zinc concentrate through a process of leaching and purification. Alternatively, germanium can also be recovered from coal ash or as a byproduct of refining copper and lead ores.

What is the smelting of iron equation?

The smelting of iron equation is typically represented as: Fe2O3 + 3CO -> 2Fe + 3CO2 This equation represents the reduction of iron ore (Fe2O3) using carbon monoxide (CO) to produce iron (Fe) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as byproduct.

Which substance is formed when impurities in the ore react with calcium oxide?

When impurities in the ore react with calcium oxide, they form slag. Slag is a byproduct of the smelting process and is used to separate impurities from the metal being produced.

What is the hardness of slag coal?

Slag is not a coal variety that has a typical hardness measurement. Slag is a byproduct formed during the smelting or refining of materials such as coal or metal ores. Its hardness can vary depending on its composition and production process.

What kind of rock is gray slag?

Gray slag is typically an aggregate of waste material produced during the smelting process, usually composed of various minerals and metals. It is not classified as a specific type of rock, but rather a byproduct of industrial processes.

When was Buffalo Smelting Works created?

Buffalo Smelting Works was created in 1891.