Yes, a unit rate can be a decimal
176000 or 176000. 176000.0 implies a precision to a tenth of a unit and so should not be used unless the additional accuracy is justified.
It is in decimal form.
This is in decimal form.
That IS the decimal form.
1.9 in decimal form is written as 1.9. In decimal notation, the whole number part is to the left of the decimal point, and the decimal part is to the right. This means that 1.9 represents one whole unit and nine tenths of another unit.
80 grams in decimal form is simply 80. Grams are a unit of mass in the metric system, and when expressed in decimal form, there is no need for any conversion or calculation.
A milligram (mg) is a measurement unit: it has no numerical value associated with it and so there is no decimal equivalent. If you want a milligram represented as a decimal equivalent of another unit: a pound or microgram, for example, you need to say so.
Well, honey, 2 liters is the same as 2000 milliliters. And since there are 1000 milliliters in a liter, you just move that decimal point over to the left once to get 2.0 in decimal form. So, the decimal form of 2 liters is 2.0.
Yes, a unit rate can be a decimal
One and three tenths in decimal form is written as 1.3. This is because the whole number 1 represents one whole unit, and the decimal point separates the whole number from the tenths place value. The digit 3 in the tenths place indicates three tenths, which is equivalent to 0.3 in decimal form. Therefore, 1.3 represents one whole unit and three tenths combined.
120 is already in decimal form. You do not need to have a decimal point for a number to be in decimal form. All that is required is that the place values go down by a factor of one-tenth every time you move one digit to the right. Also the digit to the left of the decimal point (or where the decimal point would have been) has a unit place value.
176000 or 176000. 176000.0 implies a precision to a tenth of a unit and so should not be used unless the additional accuracy is justified.
That is the decimal form.
Seventeen and three tenths in decimal form is 17.3. This is because the whole number 17 represents 17 units, and the decimal .3 represents three tenths of a unit. When combined, 17 and 3 tenths make 17.3 in decimal form.
decimal of 120 = 120.0 * * * * *That is not true. 120 is already in decimal form and does not require any changes. 120.0, in fact is an indication that the number is accurate to one-tenth of a unit - a statement that is not justified.
0.29 IS in decimal form.