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Q: What is an even number less than 100 that could be divided by 5 and 7?
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Is an even number less than 15?

No, however there are even numbers less than 15. An even number is any number that can be divided by two evenly, so it can be greater than 15 too.

Which prime number or numbers less than 100 are even?

As even means by definition divisible by 2, all even numbers can be divided by 2. Hence there is only one even prime number: 2 itself. All other even number cannot be prime numbers as they can be divided by 2, and a number is a prime number if and only if it can be divided only by itself and by 1.

What number is less than 100 is an even a prime number and is square?

There is only one even prime number and that is 2 as all over even numbers can be divided by 2 and 2 is not square so there isn't a number less than 100 that is an even prime square number.

Numbers can be divided exactly by 3 and 4 what could the number be if it is less than 30?

The number could be any of the following: * 12 * 24 * 48

What can 29 be divided by?

29 is a prime number and cannot be divided by any whole number that is less than it, except for 1. 14.5 is the closest I could find to a whole number, with the answer being 2.

What number divided by another has a remainder 1 less than the number divided by?

3 divided by 2 has a remainder of 1. Which is 1 less than 2.

What is 2 less than a number m divided by 8?

2 less than a number m divided by 8 = 0.25

What is the largest number less than 1000 which is odd leaves a remainder of 2 when divided by 3 and a remainder of 4 when divided by 5?

989. If there is a remainder of 2 when divided by 3, the number is one less than a multiple of 3. If there is a remainder of 4 when divided by 5, the number is one less than a multiple of 5. Thus the number required is one less than a multiple of the lowest common multiple of 3 and 5 (that is 15). So what is needed is an even multiple of 15 less than or equal to 1000: 1000 ÷ 15 = 662/3 Thus the highest even multiple of 15 not greater than 1000 is 66 x 15 = 990, and the required number is 989.

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8 less than the number of apples divided into 5 groups = 1.6

What number less than 10 if it's divided by three?

Any number less than 10 can be divided by 3: some evenly and others not.

Which number could be a reminder for a problem with a divisor of 8?

Any non-negative number less than 8. If the number being divided is not a whole number, the remainder will not be a whole number either.

What is the number when divided from two to ten is only one less than what you divided by?