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Q: What is an example of permutations?
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How many permutations are there for the word example?

This depends on what you want to permute.

What is the permutations of the word education?

don't know what permutations is but the definition of education is to give knowledge to someone else. Example: Teacher Professor Mom Dad

Give a real world example of how permutations and combinations can be used?


What would be a real-world example of how permutations and combinations could be used?

Blackjack, Choosing, Ordering, Puzzles

How many permutations does the string ABC have?

3x2x1=6 permutations.

How many permutations can you get out of an eight word phrase?

There are 8! = 40320 permutations.

How many permutations are possible of the letters in the word Fresno?

There are 6! = 720 permutations.

How many permutations in obfuscation?

If you mean permutations of the letters in the word "obfuscation", the answer is 1,814,400.

What is the permutations and combinations for the word great?

There are 120 permutations and only 1 combination.

How do you do permutations with repeating symbols?

Suppose you have n objects and within those, there arem1 objects of kind 1m2 objects of kind 2and so on.Then the number of permutations of the n objects is n!/[m1!* m2!...]For example, permutations of the word "banana"n = 6there are 3 "a"s so m1 = 3there are 2 "n"s so m2 = 2therefore, the number of permutations = 6!/(3!*2!) = 720/(3*2) = 120.

How many permutations are possible of the word information?

39916800 permutations are possible for the word INFORMATION.

How many permutations are in the word arithmetic?

10! permutations of the word "Arithmetic" may be made.