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A set that is able to be continued indefinitely.

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Q: What is an infinite set of numbers?
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Which number can divided by 3 without leaving a remainder?

The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three. The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three. The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three. The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three.

Is that true that set of odd numbers in an infinite set?

Yes the same as even numbers are in an infinite set

Is the set of irrational numbers countably infinite?

No. The set of irrational numbers has the same cardinality as the set of real numbers, and so is uncountable.The set of rational numbers is countably infinite.

What do you mean by countably infinite and infinite?

Countably infinite means you can set up a one-to-one correspondence between the set in question and the set of natural numbers. It can be shown that no such relationship can be established between the set of real numbers and the natural numbers, thus the set of real numbers is not "countable", but it is infinite.

Example of Infinite set?

Even in math, the word "infinite" has different meanings in different contexts. Infinite sets include the set of natural numbers, the set of integers, the set of rational numbers, the set of irrational numbers, the set of real numbers, and the set of complex numbers.

Can a subset of infinite set be infinite?

Yes. For example, the set of odd natural numbers is a infinite subset of the set of integers.

Why are there infinite ways to represent a number?

Because the set of numbers is infinite.

What are the examples of finite and infinite sets in your daily life?

The set of your friends is finite. The set of counting numbers (part of which you will use to count your friends) is infinite.

Are prime numbers infinitive?

There is an infinite set of prime numbers.

What are all the uneven numbers?

the set of odd numbers is infinite

What are all the negative numbers?

This is an infinite set starting with -1, -2, -3 and so on.

What numbers are multiples of 780000?

They are members of the infinite set of numbers of the form 780000*k where k is an integer. Since the set is infinite, it is not possible to list them.