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An outlier is a number in a data set that is not around all the other numbers in the data. It will always affect the average; sometimes raising the average to a number higher than it should be, or lowering the average to something not reasonable.


Data Set - 2,2,3,5,6,1,4,9,31

Obviously 31 is the outlier. If you were to average these numbers it would be something greater than most of the numbers in your set due to the 31.

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Q: What is an outlier and what central tendency is affected always by an outlier?
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If the distribution is positively skewed distribution, the mean will always be the highest estimate of central tendency and the mode will always be the lowest estimate of central tendency. This is true if we assume the distribution has a single mode.

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If the distribution is positively skewed , then the mean will always be the highest estimate of central tendency and the mode will always be the lowest estimate of central tendency (If it is a uni-modal distribution). If the distribution is negatively skewed then mean will always be the lowest estimate of central tendency and the mode will be the highest estimate of central tendency. In both positive and negative skewed distribution the median will always be between the mean and the mode. If a distribution is less symmetrical and more skewed, you are better of using the median over the mean.

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One of the characteristics of mean when measuring central tendency is that when there are positively skewed distributions, the mean is always greater than the median. Another characteristic is that when there are negatively skewed distributions, the mean is always less than the median.

Is an outlier always min or max value?

Not necessarily.

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Its the one most commonly used but outliers can seriously distort the mean.

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The tendency in nature for systems to become less ordered or organized is called entropy. This concept is central to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that in any natural process, the total entropy of an isolated system will always increase over time.

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It depends on the boy it should be around 12-16 but there is always outlier's, when his voice starts to crack then his voice is starting to change.

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