

What is frequency less than?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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what is frequency less than

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Q: What is frequency less than?
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What is under frequency?

When the frequency is less than expected.

For satellite communication the frequency should be less than critical frequency?

For satllite communication the frequency should not be less than the critical frequency because in satellite communicaton high frequency is needed which is reflected by satellite but not by the ionosphere.

If wave amplitudes are equal will high-frequency waves carry more or less energy than low-frequency waves?

if wave amplitudes are equal ,will high frequency waves carry more or less energy than low frequency waves

What is the frequency of all data values that are less than or equal to the given value?

The cumulative frequency.

Is frequency a greater than normal occurrence of the urge to urinate?

No. Frequency is just a measure of "how often". It can be less than, equal to or greater than normal.

What is the ideal sampling frequency?

Not less than double the highest frequency component of the signal you're sampling.

What is the wavelength and frequency for radio waves?

The wavelength is greater than 300E6/300E9 = 1 mm and the frequency is less than about 300 Gigacycles.

What will be the sampling frequency if FM equals 5V?

Not less than 10V

Suppose that a frequency histogram and a cumulative frequency histogram are constructed from the same set of data using the same classes is the frequency for each class is the frequency equal to the?

the frequency is less than OR EQUAL TO the cumulative frequency

Infrared light differs from red light in?

Frequency. Infrared light has a lower frequency; less than 400 Terahertz

What is commulative frequency distribution?

The cumulative frequency distribution for a value x of a random variable X, is a count of the number of observations in which X is less than or equal to x. The cumulative frequency distribution for a value x of a random variable X, is a count of the number of observations in which X is less than or equal to x. The cumulative frequency distribution for a value x of a random variable X, is a count of the number of observations in which X is less than or equal to x. The cumulative frequency distribution for a value x of a random variable X, is a count of the number of observations in which X is less than or equal to x.

Why is the collision frequency in a gas likely to less than in a concentrated liquid?

Molecules or atoms in a gas are farther apart than in a liquid, so the collision frequency is lower.