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The term "eigenvalue" refers to a noun which means each set of values of parameter for which differential equation has a nonzero solution. It can also refers to any number such that given matrix subtracted by the same number and multiply to the identity matrix has a zero determinant.

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Q: What is meant by the word eigenvalue?
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Is there exist a matrix whose eigenvalues are different that of its transpose?

No. Say your matrix is called A, then a number e is an eigenvalue of A exactly when A-eI is singular, where I is the identity matrix of the same dimensions as A. A-eI is singular exactly when (A-eI)T is singular, but (A-eI)T=AT-(eI)T =AT-eI. Therefore we can conclude that e is an eigenvalue of A exactly when it is an eigenvalue of AT.

How does AHP use eigenvalue and eigenvector?

how does ahp use eigen values and eigen vectors

What is the number of a hapliod?

There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.

What is an eigenvalue?

If a linear transformation acts on a vector and the result is only a change in the vector's magnitude, not direction, that vector is called an eigenvector of that particular linear transformation, and the magnitude that the vector is changed by is called an eigenvalue of that eigenvector.Formulaically, this statement is expressed as Av=kv, where A is the linear transformation, vis the eigenvector, and k is the eigenvalue. Keep in mind that A is usually a matrix and k is a scalar multiple that must exist in the field of which is over the vector space in question.

How many syllables are in meant?

The word "meant" has one syllable.

Related questions

How to find the largest eigenvalue of a matrix?

To find the largest eigenvalue of a matrix, you can use methods like the power iteration method or the QR algorithm. These methods involve repeatedly multiplying the matrix by a vector and normalizing the result until it converges to the largest eigenvalue.

What is the significance of the max eigenvalue in determining the stability of a system?

The maximum eigenvalue is important in determining the stability of a system because it indicates how quickly the system will reach equilibrium. If the maximum eigenvalue is less than 1, the system is stable and will converge to a steady state. If the maximum eigenvalue is greater than 1, the system is unstable and may exhibit oscillations or diverge over time.

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Is lambda 2 an eigenvalue of 33 28?

Yes, it is.

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Is there exist a matrix whose eigenvalues are different that of its transpose?

No. Say your matrix is called A, then a number e is an eigenvalue of A exactly when A-eI is singular, where I is the identity matrix of the same dimensions as A. A-eI is singular exactly when (A-eI)T is singular, but (A-eI)T=AT-(eI)T =AT-eI. Therefore we can conclude that e is an eigenvalue of A exactly when it is an eigenvalue of AT.

How does AHP use eigenvalue and eigenvector?

how does ahp use eigen values and eigen vectors

What is the number of a hapliod?

There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.

What is an eigenvalue?

If a linear transformation acts on a vector and the result is only a change in the vector's magnitude, not direction, that vector is called an eigenvector of that particular linear transformation, and the magnitude that the vector is changed by is called an eigenvalue of that eigenvector.Formulaically, this statement is expressed as Av=kv, where A is the linear transformation, vis the eigenvector, and k is the eigenvalue. Keep in mind that A is usually a matrix and k is a scalar multiple that must exist in the field of which is over the vector space in question.

Is 0 an eigenvalue?

Yes it is. In fact, every singular operator (read singular matrix) has 0 as an eigenvalue (the converse is also true). To see this, just note that, by definition, for any singular operator A, there exists a nonzero vector x such that Ax = 0. Since 0 = 0x we have Ax = 0x, i.e. 0 is an eigenvalue of A.

What is the significance of the maximal eigenvalue in the context of matrix analysis and how does it impact the overall properties of the matrix?

The maximal eigenvalue of a matrix is important in matrix analysis because it represents the largest scalar by which an eigenvector is scaled when multiplied by the matrix. This value can provide insights into the stability, convergence, and behavior of the matrix in various mathematical and scientific applications. Additionally, the maximal eigenvalue can impact the overall properties of the matrix, such as its spectral radius, condition number, and stability in numerical computations.

What are the synonyms and antonyms of the word meant?

Synonyms of the word meant are; portent, presage, promise, purport, suggest, symbolize. Antonyms of the word meant are; entail, imply, mean, intend, convey.