It's a relatively simple multiplication example.
The solution is 453 .
twenty three divide ten is two point three
Three point ten.
Move the decimal point to the right one time.
Any number at all.
Simply move the decimal point one place to the RIGHT. For example 12.345 multiplied by ten - is 123.45.
Nine and two thousand three hundred fortyfive ten millionths.
You could say: ten point oh three ten point zero three ten and three hundredths.
Move the decimal point left to multiply by a negative power of ten. For example, 5X10-3 is 0.005
ok, if you multiply ten by one you get ten. If you multiply ten by two you get twenty. If you multiply ten by three you get thirty. If you multiply ten by four you get forty. Sensing a trend here yet? All those things are multiples of ten. Basically, if a number ends in a zero, it's a multiple of ten.
twenty three divide ten is two point three
To write 10.3 in word form, you would say "ten point three." The whole number 10 is expressed as "ten," the decimal point is read as "point," and the decimal number 3 is read as "three." So, altogether it is read as "ten point three."
Ten point three or ten and three tenths
Ten point three
Three point ten.
Move the decimal point to the right one time.