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Q: What is paracardiac area?
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What is paracardiac pneumonia?

there is no such thing as paracardiac pneumonia...

What is paracardiac region?

paracardiac region would be the region adjacent to the heart, the term is used in an x ray or a scan to describe the characteristics found in the region adjacent to the heart in either sides right or left.

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Streaky densities are seen in the perihilar and paracardiac areas?

Streaky densities in the perihilar and paracardiac areas on imaging may suggest conditions such as interstitial lung disease, pulmonary edema, or atelectasis. Further evaluation with clinical correlation and possibly additional imaging studies may be needed to determine the underlying cause.

What is area in afrikaans?

"Area" in Afrikaans is "area."

What is difference between retail area and carpet area?

Carpet area is carpet area and retail area is retail area

How do you find the pupulation density of an area?

-- Find out the population of the area. -- Find out the area of the area. -- Divide the population by the area. The result is the population density of the area.

Difference between command area and catchment area?

Area having a common drainage is catchment area, whereas area which is uses that water from common drainage area is command area.

What is the Difference between built up area and floor area?

Built up area is the area which has been developed.and floor area is the area which is about to built or about to develope.

How do you calculate area how do you calculate the area of a diagram what is area?

length x width = area

How do you find the area of a circle inside a square?

all you do is find the area of the circle... if you mean find the squares area, find the area of the circle, and then the square's area and subtract the squares area to the circles area

Carpet area how to convert from builtup area?

You can convert the built up area into the carpet area by simply covering the area in a carpet.