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Q: What is spurious correlation?
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What is an apparent although false association between two variable that is caused by some third variable?

Spurious Correlation.

When two variables are correlated there are four possible explanations of the correlation What are they?

a. The correlation between X and Y is spurious b. X is the cause of Y c. Y is the cause of X d. A third variable is the cause of the correlation between X and Y

What is the ability to neutralize the effect of one variable in order to assess the relationship between two other variables?

makeing the correlation spurious

What does non spurious mean?

The English word "spurious" means not genuine, not real. If a thing is non-spurious, it is therefore genuine.Spurious derives from Latin spurius, meaning "bastard", or "something rejected as false", while the prefix non- is one of many ways that English expresses the negative (derived from Latin non, meaning not).

What are the three conditions necessary for causation between variables?

The three conditions necessary for causation between variables are covariance (relationship between variables), temporal precedence (the cause must precede the effect in time), and elimination of plausible alternative explanations (other possible causes are ruled out).

What a sentence using the word spurious?

i was spurious when my sister was wearing my dress

What is a metaphor for spurious?

Dogs are spurious slimes because they can't feel.

How do you use spurious in a sentence?

Some of the arguments in favor of shutting the factory are questionable and others downright spurious. The painting comes from spurious origins.

Sentences with the word spurious?

They made spurious claims for damages to the insurance company.

What are spurious classical languages?

There are no spurious classical languages. To be spurious would mean they were fake. The classical languages include French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and Greek.

Spurious in a sentence?

The FBI cursed the spurious lead that incorrectly led them to an empty hideout.

What is a good sentence for spurious?

Some con men make a living by filing spurious life-insurance claims.