The natural log of a number is some other number such that if you take e (2.718281828...) and raise it to that other number you would get the first number. Another way to say this is that a natural log is a log with base e. The common log of a number is some other number such that if you take 10 and raise it to that other number you would get the first number. The natural log base, e, is a special transcendental number, chosen so that the derivative (respect to x) of ex is equal to ex . In other words, the slope of a tangent line to the curve y = ex at point (x, ex) is equal to ex for all x
Yes. Take any rational number p. Let a = any number that is not a power of 10, so that log(a) is irrational. and let b = p/log(a). log(a) is irrational so 1/log(a) must be irrational. That is, both log(a) and log(b) are irrational. But log(a)*log(b) = log(a)*[p/log(a)] = p which is rational. In the above case all logs are to base 10, but any other base can be used.
There is no answer - it is an error: negative numbers do not have logarithms. The log if a number tells to what power the (positive) base must be raised to get the number. Raising any positive number to any power will never result in a negative number, so it is an error to try and take the log of a negative number.
It depends on what calculator you are using. Often, shift log is inverse log, or natural log, but it could have other meanings. Please restate the question and specify the model number of the calculator.
The log(infinity) does not exist. It is impossible to evaluate because infinity is not a number. When evaluating limits infinity is a special case of a nonexistent limit. The limit of the log(x) as x approaches infinity is infinity because log(x) increases without bound when x gets extremely large.
not really hard at all you just put the log in and make sure you watch that it do not bound out
The negative log of a number is the log of the number's reciprocal ('1' divided by the number).
Anything on cyberspace can be entered in as evidence. Anything you do on computer is a log of evidence. So be careful what you say out there!
it will have more credibility in a court of law
An evidence log is a document that records detailed information about each piece of evidence collected at a crime scene, including description, location, date, time, and by whom it was collected. It is used to maintain a chain of custody, ensure the integrity of the evidence, and provide documentation for legal proceedings.
Chain of custody log
what if I give you the wrong answer
The answer really depends on what number you are doubling. Let's say that you wish to double the number a (which we assume is greater than 0). If we're raising a to the nth power, then n must satisfy the following equation: an = 2a Taking the natural log on both sides, n log a = log (2a), n = log (2a) / log a. So if we double the number a, it is raised to the log (2a) / log a power.
once you are log in you will see your tamagotchi on screen. then it will say your log out number.
A crime scene entry log is properly used to keep track of all evidence and items that are taken from the scene. Each item is assigned an identification number, description, and where it was found. The person collecting the item will then initial the logged item.
The derivative of a log is as follows: 1 divided by xlnb Where x is the number beside the log Where b is the base of the log and ln is just the natural log.