2006 was the Year of the Dog and 1980 was the Year of the Monkey.
If you were born on December 10, your zodiac sign is Sagittarius. If you were born in 1987, your Chinese Horoscope sign is Rabbit.
If you are born on July 27 then your zodiac star sign is Leo.
Year of the Dog
1967 was the Year of the Sheep.
Rooster is your animal sign.
Born Under a Bad Neon Sign was created on 2006-03-29.
In 1980, June 21st was in the sign of Cancer. However, born on the 21st of the month will provide a person with the attributes of both Cancer and Gemini as they would have been born on the cusp of Gemini.
Cancer is a crab and it is your star sign if you are born from the 22 June to 22 July.
Taurus is the animal if you are born in May!Taurus is your zodiac sign if you are born in the first part of May, Gemini is your zodiac sign if you were born in the latter half of May... As to what animal you are, I would look to your parents. If they are humans, then you are human, no matter when you were born. However if you are a very clever (and able to type) animal whose parents are cats or dogs or monkeys, then you are either a cat or a dog or a monkey...
Born October 21, 1980 at 10.46am, in Los Angeles, California, Kim Kardashian has the Ascendant (rising sign) in Sagittarius.
his zodiac sign is tarus and he was born May 5
If you are referring to the Chinese Horoscope, 2007 was the Year of the Boar.
For someone born in the year 2000 on the Chinese calendar, their zodiac animal sign would be the Dragon.
In the tropical zodiac the Sun was in Pisces, the Moon was in Aries.
What is your sign is a question that you might be asked by someone who is interested in astrology and star signs in general. For example, if you were born on February 23, 1977, your star sign would be Pisces.