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Q: What is the answer and work shown to 16 4w 2w - 2?
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What is the answer to 16 equals 4w plus 2w minus 2?

w = 3 16 = 4w + 2w - 2 Move the 2 to other side 16 + 2 = 4w + 2w 18 = 6w 18 / 6 = 3 = w

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2w-6w+9 -4w+9 the coefficient of -4w is -4

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If you mean: (2w-9)*(-4w-5) then it can be multiplied out to: -8w^2+26w+45 as a quadratic expression

What is (4w plus 2w)2?

It is 12w.

What is 4w plus 2w-2?

It is: 6w-2

What is the length of a rectangle that is four times the width if the peimeter is 60cm?

Let L = length Let W = width 2L + 2W = perimeter = 60 L = 4W 2(4W) + 2W = 60 8W + 2W = 60 10W = 60 W = 6 L = 4W = 24

What is 5 plus 6w-2w?

It is: 5+4w simplified

The perimeter of a pumkin patch is 120 feet if the lenght os 8 feet more than the width what are the dimensions of the pumkin patch-?

The perimeter of a rectangular pumpkin patch can be expressed as P=2L+2W. If L=W+8, we can plug in the values accordingly as 120=2(W+8)+2W. This is equal to 120=2W+16+2W, which can be simplified as 120=4W+16. By subtracting 16 to both sides we get 120-16=4W+16-16, or 104=4W. Dividing both sides by 4 gives 104/4=4W/4, or 26=W. Therefore, the width of the patch is 26 feet. To calculate its length, simply use the formula L=W+8. So L=26+8; L=34. Therefore, the length of the patch is 34 feet.

A rectangular family room is twice as long as it is wide The perimeter is 96 feet Find the length of the family room?

l = 2w perimiter = 96 = 2l + 2w = 4w+2w = 6w = 96 w = 16 l = 32

The perimeter of an area is 48 meters the length is twice that of the breadth find 1 the length and 2 the breadth?

2l+2w=48 l=2w 2(2w)+2w=48 4w+2w=48 6w=48 w=8 l=2*8=16 So, the length is 16 meters and the width (or breadth) is 8 meters.

What does 2w-11 plus 4w equals 7?

It is an equation and the value of w is 3 2w - 11 + 4w = 7 6w - 11 = 7 6w = 7 + 11 6w = 18 w = 3

What is Length and width of a rectangular lot with a perimeter of 132 meters if the length is 8 meters more than the width?

2L+2W=132 L=W+8 substitute for L... 2(W+8)+2W=132 2W+16+2W=132 4W+16=132 2W+8=66 2W=58 W=29 L=W+8=29+8=37 So the width is 29 metres and the length is 37 metres