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Q: What is the apothem of a inscribed regular hexagon with a radius of 20 inches?
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What is the area of a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle with a radius of 12 inches?

It is 374.12 sq inches.

What is the area of a hexagon with a side of 10 inches and an apothem of 8 inches?

The question cannot be answered. A regular hexagon with sides of 10 inches would have apothems of 10/sqrt(2) = 7.071 inches. Therefore the hexagon cannot be regular. And, since the hexagon is irregular, there is not enough information to answer the question.

What is the area of a regular hexagon with a perimeter of 36 inches and an apothem of 5.2 inches?

Given the perimeter of a regular hexagon, it is better to use the side length: 6 inches, rather than the apothem of 5.2 inches because the latter is he rounded value of 3*sqrt(3) which is 5.196152... rather than 5.2. Based on the length of the sides, the area is approx 93.53 sq inches. [The apothem would have given 93.67 sq inches.]

What is the apothem of a regular hexagon with sides of 16 inches?

We know that the height of an equilateral triangle equals the product of one half of the side length measure with square root of 3.Since in our regular hexagon we form 6 equilateral triangles with sides length of 16 inches, the apothem length equals to 8√3 inches.

What is the area of a regular hexagon with apothem length of 24 inches?

For a regular hexagon, half the side length can be calculated from the apothem via trigonometry: half_side_length = apothem x tan 30° Then: area = apothem x 1/2 x perimeter = apothem x 1/2 x side_length x 6 = apothem x half_side_length x 6 = 24 in x (24 in x tan 30°) x 6 ≈ 1995 sq in

Area of the regular hexagon whose side length is 16 in and apothem is 8 square root 3 in?

It is 665.1 sq inches.

If a hexagon has an apothem of 1.7 inches and a perimeter of 12 inches about how many regular hexagons will it take to make a quilt that is 6 feet by 8 feet?


What is the area of a regular hexagon whose side lenght is 16 inches and the apothem is 8 square root of 3?

665.1 square units.

What is the area of a regular hexagon with an apothem of 7.5 in?

194.86 sq inches, approx.194.86 sq inches, approx.194.86 sq inches, approx.194.86 sq inches, approx.

What is the apothem of a regular hexagon with sides of 8 inches?

4 times the square root of 3. Use an equilateral triangle and 30-60-90 triangles.

What is the area of a regular octagon with a side length of 4 inches and an apothem length of 4.8 inches?

By joining all the vertices to the centre of the octagon, the apothem forms the height of the triangles with the side of the regular octagon as the base. This the area is 8 × area_triangles = 8 × ½ × side × apothem = 4 × side × apothem: Area_regular_octagon = 4 × side_length × apothem ≈ 4 × 4 in × 4.8 in = 76.8 in²

What is the perimeter of a regular hexagon if each side is 7 inches long?

Perimeter of regular 6 sided hexagon: 6*7 = 42 inches