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It is: 110/360*pi*12*12 = 44*pi square units

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Q: What is the area of a shaded circle sector with a radius of 12 and the arc of 110 degrees?
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What is the area of the shaded sector if the circle has a radius of 4 and the central angle is 90 degrees?

An entire circle is 360 degrees. 90 deg is 1/4 of that. Area of a circle is A = pi r^2 area of this sector is (1/4) pi r^2 = (1/4) x 3.14 x 4x4 =12.56

What is the area of the shaded sector if the circle has a diameter of 8.5cm and two angles measuring 160 degrees each?

shaded sectors do not appear on listings

What is the area of a shaded circle with a radius of 135?

A circle with a radius of 135 units has an area of 57,255.53 square units.

What is the shaded sector of the if radius is 3 and the degrees is 90?

It depends whether the UNSHOWN figure has the shaded sector as the sector which includes the 90° angle, or the one which excludes it. Assuming that it is the sector including the 90° angle, ie the question should have been written: What is the area of a sector of a circle with a radius of 3 units when the angle of the sector is 90°? It is a fraction of the whole area of the circle. The fraction is 90°/360° (as there are 360° in a full turn and only 90° are required) = 1/4 Area circle = π × radius² = π × (3 units)² = 9π square units → area 90° sector = ¼ × area circle = ¼ × 9π square units = 9π/4 square units ≈ 7.1 square units

How to find area of a shaded area of a shaded region in a circle?

The area of the shaded region can be gotten by multiplying the area of the circle by the subtended angle of the sector.

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What is the area of the shaded sector if the circle has a radius of 3 and the central angle is 90 degrees?

Find the area of the shaded sector. radius of 3 ...A+ = 7.07

What is the area of the shaded sector if the circle has a radius of 7 and the central angle is 45 degrees?


What is the area of the shaded sector of a circle when the radius is 3?

0. There is no circle so no shaded area of a circle!

What is the area of a shaded sector when the radius is 16 and the arc is 110 degrees?

The area of the shaded sector is: 245.7 square units.

What is the area of the shaded sector whose radius is 12 and and its degrees is 100?

We would need to know how big the circle is. And what is the shaded part looks like. That will help us figure out the answer.

How do you find the area of a shaded region in a circle?

(pi * radius squared) * ( sector angle / 360 )

Find the area of the shaded sector if the sector is ten degrees and the diameter is 12?

area of whole circle = pi * radius squared = 3.14159 * 36 = 113.1area of sector = 113.1 * ( 10 / 360 ) = 3.14159 sq units

What is the area of the shaded sector if the circle has a radius of 8 and the central angle is 100 degrees?

Assuming the shaded sector has the angle of 100o (without seeing the diagram, it could be the other sector, ie the one with an angle of 260o): The sector is 1000 ÷ 360o = 5/18 of the circle. Thus its area is 5/18 that of the circle: area = 5/18 x π x 82 ~= 55.9 units2

What is the area of the shaded region of a circle if the radius of the whold circle is 12 cm and 60 degrees is shaded?

Area of sector = 60/360ths ie 1/6th of the total area; Total area = 12 x 12 x 3.14 = 452.16 cm2 Area of sector = 452.16/6 = 75.36 cm2

What is the area of the shaded sector if the circle has a radius of 3 and the central angle is 60 degrees?

If the angle at the centre is 60° then the sector occupies 1/6 of the circle as 60/360 = 1/6. The area of a circle = πr² The area of the sector = 1/6.π3² = 9/6.π = 4.712 square units.

What is the area of the shaded sector if the circle has a radius of 4 and the central angle is 90 degrees?

An entire circle is 360 degrees. 90 deg is 1/4 of that. Area of a circle is A = pi r^2 area of this sector is (1/4) pi r^2 = (1/4) x 3.14 x 4x4 =12.56

How do you find the area of a shaded sector of a sector?

The area is r^2*x where r is the radius of the circle and x is the angle measured in radians. If you are still working in degrees then Area = (y/180)*r^2, where the angle is y.