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If every 62 inch lady had 2 inches of fat on her stomach and legs and 4 inches on her arms, and every 10 inches weighs 45 pounds, every 62 inch female would weigh 130 lbs.

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Q: What is the average weight for 5 feet 2 inch female?
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What is the average weight for a 5 foot 6 inch female?

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Is 205 pounds a good weight for 28 old female?

Our weight mainly depends on height, in US an average height for a woman at the age of 28 is 5 feet 5 inch. An ideal weight for a woman with 5 feet 5 inch is 125 to 134 pounds; according to these levels you are over weighed.

How much should a female 5'2 weigh?

110 lbs average Doctors say for a female to be a healthy weight it is usually 5 lbs more than 100 for every inch you are over 5 feet. Exp. If you are 5"4 the average heathy weight is 120 lbs This is not iron clad

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How much weight should a person weigh if they are 5 feet 1 inch tall?

if this person is a female the average would be in between 105 to 140 pounds. if its a male he should be in between 123 to 145 pounds.

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What is the average weight of a 39 year old 5 foot 9 inch female?

175 if tough and big boned 150 if really skinny

What is a healthy weight for a 5 foot 6 inch 28 year old female?

The average weight of a 5' 6" male is 62.2 - 66.7kgs And the average weight of a 5' 6" women is 58.9 - 63.5kgs However if your body fat percentage is below 10 % then you can weight more