The number which is placed in the middle of a group of numbers which are sorted into order from smallest to biggest.
For example;
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 = the median is 3 :D
Median and mode are in mathematics.
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The mathematics of investment deals with the investment of money, such as bonds, paper bills, etc.
the definition of chance is to.... smd
what I would like to know is the importance of statistics in mathematics in relation to aspects like the mode,median & the mean and how one can explain this in a 2000 word essay
The word middle in mathematics means the number that is physically in the middle of the group of numbers. The median is the middle number when the numbers are organized by numerical order.
Median and mode are in mathematics.
there both in the middle
the median is the middle number in a set of data.
Mean is the average, and median is the middle number.
Median is the number that u find in the middle.
What is the definition of rotation in mathematics
the mode is number that occurs the most often.
Median means the middle. In mathematics, you take a list of numbers, list them from lowest to highest, and the median is whatever number is in the middle.
One versed in Mathematics
Math is short for Mathematics. The definition of which is "the study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities and sets, using numbers and symbols." See the complete definition and reference on mathematics.
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