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In simple language, derivative is rate of change of something and integral represents the area of a curve whose equation is known.

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Q: What is the difference between anti derivative and integral?
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What is the difference between anti-derivative and integral?

there is no diffference, i think...

What is the difference between integration and anti-derivatives?

An integral and an anti-derivative are the same thing. Integration means the process of finding the integral, just as anti-differentiation means the process of finding the anti-derivative.

What is the relationship of integral and differential calculus?

We say function F is an anti derivative, or indefinite integral of f if F' = f. Also, if f has an anti-derivative and is integrable on interval [a, b], then the definite integral of f from a to b is equal to F(b) - F(a) Thirdly, Let F(x) be the definite integral of integrable function f from a to x for all x in [a, b] of f, then F is an anti-derivative of f on [a,b] The definition of indefinite integral as anti-derivative, and the relation of definite integral with anti-derivative, we can conclude that integration and differentiation can be considered as two opposite operations.

Relationship between integral and derivative?

The Derivative is the instantaneous rate of change of a function. An integral is the area under some curve between the intervals of a to b. An integral is like the reverse of the derivative, Derivatives bring functions down a power, integrals bring them up, in-fact indefinite integrals (ones that do not have specifications of the area between a to b) are called anti derivatives.

What is difference between anti integration and derivative?

In all but very exceptional cases there is no difference.

What is the anti-derivative of co secant x?

According to Wolfram Alpha, input:integral csc x it is -log[cot(x) + csc(x)] + constant You can verify this by taking the derivative of the purported integral.

How are derivatives and anti derivatives related?

The derivative is the inverse of the integral. ∫ f'(x) dx = f(x) + C

What is the anti-derivative of the absolute value of x over x?

For positive x, this expression is equal to 1. The integral (anti-derivative) is therefore x + C (where C is the arbitrary integration constant). For negative x, this expression is equal to -1, and the integral is -x + C. Wolfram Alpha gives the integral as x times sgn(x), where sgn(x) is the "sign" function.

How do you do integration math?

Well if you are talking about calculus, integration is the anti-derivative. So as my teacher explained to us, instead of going down, you will go up. For example if you have the F(x) = 2x, the F'(x) = 2. F'(x) is the derivative here, so you will do the anti of a derivative. So with the same F(x) = 2x the integral, is SF(x) = 1/3x^3. The Integral will find you the area under the curve.

What is the anti derivative of negative sine?

The anti derivative of negative sine is cosine.

What is the name for anti-derivative?

The other name of an anti-derivative is an integral. An integral is the function which finds the area under a line. Let me give you an example. The integral of xn would be (xn+1/n+1)+C. So the integral of x2 would be (x3/3)+C. If you wanted to know what the area under the equation x2 when x=3 (in other words, all values of x between 0 and 3 on the x-axis), then you can do the equation ((3)3/3)+C and area would be 3 units squared. C is the constant of integration. For more info on C, you can go to or simply look it up

What is meant by Integration?

In Calculus, integration is the process of finding the area under the curve of a function, usually between two boundaries. For example, the area under the curve of the graph y=x between 0 and 1 (the two boundaries) is equal to the area of the triangle formed by the x axis, the graph and a vertical line at x=1. Since this triangle covers half the area of a square of length 1 unit, the integral of y=x from 0 to 1 is 1/2. For more complex curves such as y=x^2, integration is easier and more accurate by finding the anti-derivative, or integral, of y=x^2. Finding the anti-derivative, as the name suggests, is the reverse process of finding a function's derivative. So, the anti-derivative of x^2 is the function whose derivative is x^2. I'm assuming you are familiar with differentiation (the process of finding a derivative of a function) if you are doing problems with integration. So, the anti-derivative of x^2 is (1/3)x^3. The purpose of finding the anti-derivative is to use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, which states that the area under the curve of a function from a to b (the two boundaries) is equal to the difference between the values of the function's anti-derivative at b and a. So, plugging in 0 and 1 again for x gives: Area under curve of x^2 from 0 to 1 = (1/3)(1)^3 - (1/3)(0)^3 = (1/3) - 0 = 1/3 Notice the reverse order of the boundaries, since subtraction is not commutative (order matters).