Decimals and percentages are easier to compare than fractions - particularly if they are unlike fractions. That does not explain why percentages are required when we have decimal number and there is no good answer to that!
Describe is what it is and explain is why it is as it is
Our system of measuring time isn't based on decimals.
Before adding or subtracting two fractions they are converted into like fractions. Explain with examples why this is necessary.
i think they are bothe fractions
Convert them to decimals and order them least to greatest.
A strong working understanding of fractions and decimals is essential for nurses. They must be familiar enough with fractions and decimals to quickly and accurately divide, multiply, add and subtract dosages as well as convert fractions to decimals and vice versa. Conceptual understating of fractions and decimals is essential since half doses, extra doses and time-delayed dosages must be calculated correctly. Nurses also need to know how to convert fractions and decimals to percentages in order to explain medication instructions accurately and easily to their patients. Read more about how math is related to nursing at the link I provided below.
Decimals and percentages are easier to compare than fractions - particularly if they are unlike fractions. That does not explain why percentages are required when we have decimal number and there is no good answer to that!
The difference is that they equivalent fractions worksheets have graphics and explain the concepts in easier to understand language. I find them to be an easier and fun way to introduce and explain fractions.
similarities and differences between ordinary fractions and rational expressions.
Explain the difference between the vassals and the serfs
Explain the difference between young and mature mountains?
Whole numbers do not contain decimals or fractions because they are integers in the form of: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .... etc
Describe is what it is and explain is why it is as it is
Describe is what it is and explain is why it is as it is
Our system of measuring time isn't based on decimals.
explain the difference between cash and credit transaction