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The browser that is used for submitting questions does not permit many mathematical symbols. It is therefore not possible to be sure what the question was. For a quadratic equation of the form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b and c are real numbers and a is non-zero, the discriminant, D = b^2 – 4ac.

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Q: What is the discriminant D of the equation?
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By calculating the discriminant of the equation and if it's negative the equation will have no solutions

If the discriminant of an equation is 0?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is zero then it has two identical roots.

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The discriminant is the same as for the equation x^2 - 18 x + a = 0.D = 324 - 4a

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A quadratic equation has one discriminant.

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If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is less then 0 then it will have no real solutions.

What does the discriminant tell us about the nature of the roots?

The equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b and c are real and a is non-zero has discriminant D = b^2 &ndash; 4ac. Then,if D > 0 the equation has two real roots which are distinct;if D = 0 the equation has two real roots which are coincident;if D < 0 the equation has two roots which form a complex conjugate pair (advanced mathematics only).

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What can the discriminant tell you about a quadratic equation?

It can tell you three things about the quadratic equation:- 1. That the equation has 2 equal roots when the discriminant is equal to zero. 2. That the equation has 2 distinctive roots when the discriminant is greater than zero. &pound;. That the equation has no real roots when the discriminant is less than zero.

What does the discriminant tell you?

The discriminant tells you how many solutions there are to an equation The discriminant is b2-4ac For example, two solutions for a equation would mean the discriminant is positive. If it had 1 solution would mean the discriminant is zero If it had no solutions would mean that the discriminant is negative

What has no true roots?

An equation with a discriminant that is less than zero. Note that in getting the discriminant, use the general form: ax&sup2;+bx+c=0 D=b&sup2;-4ac

If the discriminant of an equation is zero then?

The term "discriminant" is usually used for quadratic equations. If the discriminant is zero, then the equation has exactly one solution.

What is the answer to the discriminant equation of -4.9 plus 4.3t plus 10?

A discriminant is based on the differences between roots of an equation. A linear equation, such as the onle in the question, has only one root and therefore cannot have a discriminant.