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Q: What is the distance between 3 4 and 9 4?
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What is the distance between points (9 4) and (3 4) on a coordinate plane?

The distance between points: (9, 4) and (3, 4) is 6

What is the distance between the two points 9 4 and 3 7?

X2=3, X1=9 Y2=7 Y1=4 3-9=-6. -62=36 7-4=3. 32=9 36+9=45 The distance is the square root of 45

What is the distance between the points (-2 -3) and (7 4)?

X2=3, X1=9 Y2=7 Y1=4 3-9=-6. -62=36 7-4=3. 32=9 36+9=45 The distance is the square root of 45

What is the distance between the points (-2 -8) and (7 4)?

X2=3, X1=9 Y2=7 Y1=4 3-9=-6. -62=36 7-4=3. 32=9 36+9=45 The distance is the square root of 45

What is the distance between the points -1 -9 and 4 -2?

Points: (-1, -9) and (4, -2) Distance: (-1-4)2+(-9--2)2 = 74 and the square root of this is the distance which is about 8.602 to 3 decimal places

What is the distance between the points (-5 2) and (4 9)?

Points: (-1, -9) and (4, -2) Distance: (-1-4)2+(-9--2)2 = 74 and the square root of this is the distance which is about 8.602 to 3 decimal places

What is the distance between points 1 2 and 4 -1?

Use Pythagoras to find the distance between two points (x0,.y0) and (x1, y1): distance = √(change_in_x² + change_in_y²) → distance = √((x1 - x0)² + (y1 - y0)²) → distance = √((4 - 1)² + (-1 -2)²) → distance = √(3² + (-2)²) → distance = √(9 + 9) → distance = √18 = 3 √2

What is the distance between the two points 9 -4 and 3 7?

The distance formula takes the difference between the two x-coordinates (9-3 = 6) and the difference between the two y-coordinates (-4-7 = -11), then squares these two answers (62 = 36 and (-11)2 = 121), then adds them together (36 + 121 = 157), then takes the square root of this final number. Thus the distance between (9, -4) and (3, 7) is sqrt(157), or about 12.53.

What is the distance between 9 and -3 and 4 and -3?

The easiest way to show these is with a number line. <.....•.....•.....•.....•.....•.....•.....•.....•.....•.....•.....•.....•.....•........> -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 From 9 to -3 is 12 units From 4 to -3 is 7 units

What is the distance between (5-9) and (3-9)?

It is: 2

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What is the distance between point 4 5 and point 1 1?

The distance is 5. The x distance is 3, the y distance is 4, and the diagonal issqrt(32 + 42) = sqrt (9 + 16) = sqrt 25 = 5