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Q: What is the equation of the ellipse with foci (0 6) (0 -6) and co-vertices (2 0) (-2 0)?
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In the standard equation for an ellipse a is half the length of the axis?

An ellipse is the set of each and every point in a place such that the sum of the distance from the foci is constant, Major Axis of the ellipse is the part from side to side the center of ellipse to the larger axis, or the length of that sector. The major diameter is the largest diameter of an ellipse. Below equation is the standard ellipse equation: X2/a + Y2/b = 1, (a > b > 0)

How do you find foci of ellipse?

Let's start with the equation of the ellipse. x2/a2 +y2 /b2 =1 This ellipse is centered at the origin, and we can move it by subtracting h from x and k from y and then squaring that quantity. For example, if we move it h units horizontally, we have (x-h)2 instead of just x2 . In any case. b2 =a2 -c2 . The foci are located 2c units part. So if it is centered at the origin, we can just find 2c and each focus is at + or - c. If we move the ellipse, we can still do the same thing, we just need to take into account how much we moved it. Here is an example to help you see it. Vertices (4,0) and (-4,0) center (0,0) End points of minor axis (0,2) and (0,-2) Foci at (3.5,0) and (-3.5,0)

Sketch the following 4x2 plus 25y2 equals 100?

4x2 + 25y2 = 100 (divide each element of both sides by 100) x2/25 + y2/4 = 1 This is the equation of an ellipse of the form x2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1, whose center is at (0, 0), a = 5, b = 2, and so c = √(a2 - b2) = √19) Since the major axis is horizontal and it lies on the x-axis, the vertices are 5 units to the left and 5 units to the right of the center (0, 0). Vertices are (-5, 0) and (5, 0). The minor axis is vertical and it lies on the y-axis, so the graph of the ellipse crosses the y-axis at the points (0, -2) and (0, 2), since b = 2) The foci are √19 units to the left and √19 units to the right of the center (0, 0). The foci are (-√19, 0) and (√19, 0).

What is the formula of volume of ellipse?

An ellipse is a 2-dimensional figure and so the formula isVolume = 0.

Why are ellipse eccentricities between 0 and 1?

If the eccentricity was 0 the ellipse would instead be a circle, and if the eccentricity was 1 it would be a straight line segment.

Related questions

In the standard equation for an ellipse a is half the length of the axis?

An ellipse is the set of each and every point in a place such that the sum of the distance from the foci is constant, Major Axis of the ellipse is the part from side to side the center of ellipse to the larger axis, or the length of that sector. The major diameter is the largest diameter of an ellipse. Below equation is the standard ellipse equation: X2/a + Y2/b = 1, (a > b > 0)

What is the equation of an ellipse with vertices 2 0 2 4 and foci 2 1 2 3?

Vertices and the foci lie on the line x =2 Major axis is parellel to the y-axis b > a Center of the ellipse is the midpoint (h,k) of the vertices (2,2) Equation of the ellipse is (x - (2) )^2 / a^2 + (y - (2) )^2 / b^2 Equation of the ellipse is (x-2)^2 / a^2 + (y-2)^2 / b^2 The distance between the center and one of the vertices is b The distance between(2,2) and (2,4) is 2, so b = 2 The distance between the center and one of the foci is c The distance between(2,2) and (2,1) is 1, so c = 1 Now that we know b and c, we can find a^2 c^2=b^2-a^2 (1)^2=(2)^2-a^2 a^2 = 3 The equation of the ellipse is Equation of the ellipse is (x-2)^2 / 3 + (y-2)^2 / 4 =1

What are the foci of the ellipse of 9 x squared plus 25 y squared plus 100 y - 125 equals 0?

With the equation of an ellipse in the form (x/a)² + (y/b)² = 1 the axes of the ellipse lie on the x and y axes and the foci are √(a² - b²) along the x axis. 9x² + 25y² + 100y - 125 = 0 → (3x)² + 25(y² + 4y + 4 - 4) = 125 → (3x)² +25(y + 2)² - 100 = 125 → (3x)² +25(y + 2)² = 225 → (3x)²/225 + (y + 2)²/9 = 1 → (x/5)² + ((y+2)/3)² = 1 Thus the foci are √(5² - 3²) = √16 = 4 either side of the y-axis, but the y axis has been shifted up by 2, thus the two foci are (-4, -2) and (4, -2).

How does the numerical value of e change the shape of an ellipse?

The eccentricity of an ellipse, e, is the ratio of the distance between the foci to the length of the semi-major axis. As e increases from 0 to 1, the ellipse changes from a circle (e = 0) to form a more flat shape until, at e = 1, it is effectively a straight line.

How do you find foci of ellipse?

Let's start with the equation of the ellipse. x2/a2 +y2 /b2 =1 This ellipse is centered at the origin, and we can move it by subtracting h from x and k from y and then squaring that quantity. For example, if we move it h units horizontally, we have (x-h)2 instead of just x2 . In any case. b2 =a2 -c2 . The foci are located 2c units part. So if it is centered at the origin, we can just find 2c and each focus is at + or - c. If we move the ellipse, we can still do the same thing, we just need to take into account how much we moved it. Here is an example to help you see it. Vertices (4,0) and (-4,0) center (0,0) End points of minor axis (0,2) and (0,-2) Foci at (3.5,0) and (-3.5,0)

How does the shape change with increasing eccentricity?

As the eccentricity of a shape increases, the shape becomes more elongated or stretched out. For example, an ellipse with a higher eccentricity will look more like a stretched circle. In general, as eccentricity increases, the shape will deviate more from its original form and become more elongated.

Sketch the following 4x2 plus 25y2 equals 100?

4x2 + 25y2 = 100 (divide each element of both sides by 100) x2/25 + y2/4 = 1 This is the equation of an ellipse of the form x2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1, whose center is at (0, 0), a = 5, b = 2, and so c = √(a2 - b2) = √19) Since the major axis is horizontal and it lies on the x-axis, the vertices are 5 units to the left and 5 units to the right of the center (0, 0). Vertices are (-5, 0) and (5, 0). The minor axis is vertical and it lies on the y-axis, so the graph of the ellipse crosses the y-axis at the points (0, -2) and (0, 2), since b = 2) The foci are √19 units to the left and √19 units to the right of the center (0, 0). The foci are (-√19, 0) and (√19, 0).

This ellipse is centered at the origin and has a horizontal axis of length 14 and a vertical axis of length 16 What is its equation?

The equation is based on formula (x - h)square / A square + (y-k)square / B square = 1. To apply to the above ellipse the equation would be similar to (x- 0) square/ 14 square + (2014 - 0) square / 16 square.

Does an ellipse have asymptotes?

ellipses do have asymptotes, but they are imaginary, so they are generally not considered asymptotes. If the equation of the ellipse is in the form a(x-h)^2 + b(y-k)^2 = 1 then the asymptotes are the lines a(y-k)+bi(x-h)=0 ai(y-k)+b(x-h)=0 the intersection of the asymptotes is the center of the ellipse.

What is the formula of volume of ellipse?

An ellipse is a 2-dimensional figure and so the formula isVolume = 0.

Why are ellipse eccentricities between 0 and 1?

If the eccentricity was 0 the ellipse would instead be a circle, and if the eccentricity was 1 it would be a straight line segment.

What is the minimum eccentricity an elipse can have?

the minimum would be a zero. and a eccentricity of zero would be a circle because if it's a zero, you only have one point because there is no focal distance. if you have only one point to connect, it would be a circle. on the other hand, the maximum would be one; a line. because eccentricity is in a fraction/decimal form. the person before me wrote 7. that is not humanly possible, because that would mean a fraction like 700/100. and how can the focal distance be grater than the major axis?