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Q: What is the formula for finding the surface area of a square pyramid?
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What is the formula of square pyramid?

The formula for a square pyramid is one square attached to four triangles which meet at a point.There are other formulae for the surface area or for the volume.

What is the formula of getting the area of square?

Formula for finding the surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2 in square units. Formula for finding the volume of a sphere = 4/3*pi*radius3 in cubic units. Or did you mean the formula for finding the area of a square? in which case it is Length*Height in square units.

What is the surface area formula of a square pyramid?

This is a popular topic, discussed in many places on the web. The attached link is one place that I like. If you want to look for others just google for surface area square pyramid.

What has four triangles and one square surface?

A square pyramid has.

What is the formula for finding surface of square base pyramid?

If you assume that the all the sides are the same length l you can break it into two sections. the first, is the base which is a square which is Area = l.l the second is the equilateral triangle of side l, Area = l.l.sqrt(3)/4 So you have 4 triangles one square giving total surface area: l.l x (1 + sqrt(3) )

What is the formula for finding the total surface area of a cone?

Total surface area in square units = (pi*radius*slant length)+(pi*radius squared)

What is the formula for finding the surface area of a square?

Multiply the width by the length. e.g. you have a square that is 6 by 6 cm. 6x6 is 36, so the answer is 36cm squared.

What is the formula for the surface area of a square pyramid?

Call the length of the base s and the slant height of one triangle l SA = s2 + 2sl

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What is a total area of a pyramid that has a square base with sides 8 and a slant height of 5?

A pyramid with these measurements are technically impossible to construct. However if you follow the formula the surface area would be a negative amount.

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What is the surface area of the right square pyramid in square meters?

It depends on the dimensions of the base and the height (slant or vertical) of the pyramid.