

What is the green ball?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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10y ago

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Before colour TV balls used in statistics were coloured black and white.

Statistical questions were posed asking, say, the probability of selecting a white ball from a mixture of black and white balls hidden in a bag (sometimes white and black balls). A practical set up that, over a large number of tries, would show that the maths being examined was (statistically) good.

Since colour TV there has been a preponderance of the use of coloured balls in the experiments and, often, one of the colours used is green. Also, using colour allows more than two different things to be the subject of statistical experiment.

Of course colour TVs had nothing to do with this but the rest is true - honest.

Beano GB

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10y ago
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A green ball appears green in white light because the ball reflects light in the green wavelength range and absorbs other wavelengths. White light contains all the different colors of the visible spectrum, so when it hits the green ball, only the green light is reflected back to our eyes.

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There are two scenarios; 1. On the green- If you and your opponent are on the green and he hits you ball and knocks it into the cup, or hits your ball at all, you replace your ball (to as near where it was before it was hit as possible) and he plays his from where it lies, and he shall receive a 2 shot penalty. 2. If your ball is on the green and your opponent is off the green and he hits yours, you replace your ball as near as possible to where you believe your ball was before he hit your ball. There is no penalty.

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If you are on the green and you hit another ball which is on the green, you receive a two shot penalty and must play your ball where it lies. The other ball must be replaced, you should have asked the other player to move the ball. If however you are not on the green and hit another ball, there is no penalty, you again play yours as it lies and the other ball must be replaced.

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The green ball is worth three points in snooker.

If im hitting your ball and your partner is on green and you hit his ball and it goes in hole does that count as a birdy for him?

If you are off the green, and your partner's ball is on the green, you pitch on and you hit theirs and yours goes in it is counted as holed and they must replace their ball to where it was before you hit it. If you hit on and hit their ball and that goes in the hole, you play yours as it lies and you must replace their ball. If you are on the green and hit their ball it is a two shot penalty, or loss of hole in matchplay.

When were you allowed to mark your ball on the green?

As long as the ball isn't in motion and it is on the green, you can mark its position and wait your turn to play.

Can a ball player throw a ball over the green monster?

sure why not...

Why are softballs green?

they are not green they are yellow . and its so you can see the ball better