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Q: What is the horizontal division of a building?
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What do you call the horizontal part of a building?

The horizontal part of a building is called a "roof."

What units is the horizontal sweep of an oscilloscope rated in?

The horizontal sweep of an oscilloscope is in time per division or seconds per division.

What are the horizontal lines?

A division sign.

What is a major problem of horizontal division of labor?

The major problem with horizontal division of labor is that it can result in job boredom and even degradation of the worker

What is the major problem with a horizontal division of labor?

The major problem with horizontal division of labor is that it can result in job boredom and even degradation of the worker

What is the horizontal dimension of a building?


What is the name of the second number in a horizontal division problem?


What has the author Building Codes Division written?

Building Codes Division. has written: 'Do I need an electrial permit?'

When is the horizontal asymptote y equals 0?

The horizontal asymptote for y = 0 when the degree is greater than the denominator, resulting in the inability to do long division.

Some lines have no slope?

A horizontal line has a slope of zero. For a vertical line, the slope is not defined (change of y / change of x would result in a division by zero).A horizontal line has a slope of zero. For a vertical line, the slope is not defined (change of y / change of x would result in a division by zero).A horizontal line has a slope of zero. For a vertical line, the slope is not defined (change of y / change of x would result in a division by zero).A horizontal line has a slope of zero. For a vertical line, the slope is not defined (change of y / change of x would result in a division by zero).

What is progressive horizontal evacuation?

Horizontal evacuation is when you have to move horizontally on the same floor to get to safety. You may have different steps to take in order to get out of the building.

Which is a horizontal structural member in a building that carries a load?
