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the independent of the tomato plant is the leaf

and the dependent variable is the root

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Q: What is the independent and Dependent variable in will fish tank water and tap water differ when used for tomato plant growth?
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Dependent variable: growth of crystals Independent variable: temperature.

What is the difference between the independent and dependent variables in the experiment?

Dependent variable is your data, independent variable is what you are testing. Ex. Sunlight would be the independent variable and a plants growth would be the dependent variable.

How are independent and dependent variable related?

Independent variables can take values within a given boundary. The dependent variable will take values based on the independent variable and a given relationship at which the former can take its values.

What are the independent and dependent variables of how fertilizer affects plant growth?

Independent variable: the amount of fertilizer applied to the plants. Dependent variable: the growth of the plants, typically measured by height or biomass.

Dependent and independent variables in biology?

In biology, the dependent variable is the factor being measured or tested in an experiment, and its value depends on the independent variable. The independent variable is the factor that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable. For example, if studying the effect of different fertilizer amounts (independent variable) on plant growth, the plant growth measurements would be the dependent variable.

Things that may change during a experiment are called?

'Variables' are any factors that can be controlled, changed or measured. There are two types: the independent variable and the dependent variable. The independent variable is the condition that you change and the dependent variable is what you are observing. So if you are trying to measure the effect of water on plant growth the water would be the independent variable and the plant growth would be the dependent variable.

What is a variable that is used is a independent variable?

An independent variable is the variable of the experiment that the dependent variable depends on. For example, in an experiment testing the effects of soil quality on a plant's growth, the dependent variable would be the plant's growth and the independent variable would be the quality of the soil.

What is an example of independent and dependent variables?

Example: the amount of food is the independent variable because it has been changed and the growth of chickens is the dependent variable because the growth will be effected by the amount of food. Growth depends on the food

In an experiment to determine the effect of different brands of fertilizer on the rate of plant growth what are the independent and dependent variables?

The independent variable in this experiment is the different brands of fertilizer being tested. The dependent variable is the rate of plant growth, which will be measured and influenced by the independent variable.

What is the difference between indepedent and dependent variables?

An independent variable is manipulated by the researcher to see its effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable is what is being measured or observed in the experiment and is influenced by changes in the independent variable. In other words, the independent variable causes a change in the dependent variable.

Examples of independent and dependent variables in science?

Independent and dependent variables are the variables that change during the course of an experiment. An example might be an experiment on how temperature affects plant growth. Changing the temperature is the independent variable, while the level of plant growth that results is the dependent variable.

What is an independemt variable?

An independent variable is the variable in the experiment that affects the other variable. For example, in an experiment that tests the affect of the amount of fertilizer on plant growth, the amount of fertilizer is the independent variable and the plant growth is the dependent variable. This is because the plant growth DEPENDS on the amount of fertilizer.