it is the gillette stadium logo. it is of the bridge and lighthouse that are at the stadium's entrance
When We Played Not So Long Ago It Was Just Called The 20 Yard Line. So It Would Be Anything Less Than The 20 Yard Line Of Your Opponents. So 19 Yard Line Would Be The First One.
if you mean how far away form the end line is the 18 yard line, it is 18 yards from the end line! sort of self explanatory really!
40 yards
It is a blown-up version of the image on their helmets (a Patriot). There are also 2 images on the sidelines at the 50-yard line, which complement the center field image of the Patriot. Those side-line images are a post-modern combination of a bridge and a lighthouse, symbols that combined create the official symbol of Gillette Stadium and its tribute to the area's colonial heritage.
Its a graphic representation of Gillette Stadiums Lighthouse and Bridge.
The 50 yard line.
The emblem is for the Gillette Stadium. The emblem stands for a bridge to the stadium and a 12 story lighthouse at one of the entrances. The Yellow coming from the emblem is the light from the lighthouse. Please refer to the related link for an image and more information.
It is a stylized version of the lighthouse and bridge inside of Gillette Stadium.
The GU on the field was placed there in honor of former player and head of the NFL Players Union President Gene Upshaw, who passed away in 2008.
one hundredth of a football field from touchdown line to touchdown line. A yard stick is a yard long.
depends if the field is a high school of pro or college field
There are two 25 yard marks and one 50 yard line. So there are 100 yards on a field hockey field!