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Q: What is the magnitude of the resultant of two displacements A and B where A(5i-23)m and B(-3i plus 4j plus 6k)?
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If vector B is added to vector A under what circumstances does the resultant vector A plus B have magnitude A plus B. under what circumstances does the resultant vector equals to zero?

if b + a , since a+b equals b + a due to it being commutative . it shud have the same magnitude and direction

If is added to under what conditions does the resultant vector have a magnitude equal to A B?

1. When the two vectors are parlell the magnitude of resultant vector R=A+B. 2. When the two vectors are having equal magnitude and they are antiparlell then R=A-A=0. For more information:

Formula to calculate magnitude of the resultant vector?

To calculate the magnitude of the resultant vector, you can use the Pythagorean theorem. Square the x-component of the vector, square the y-component of the vector, and sum them together. Finally, take the square root of the resulting sum. The formula is: |R| = sqrt((Rx^2) + (Ry^2)).

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To find the resultant velocity from two perpendicular velocities, you can use the Pythagorean theorem. Square each velocity, sum the squares, and then take the square root of the total to find the magnitude of the resultant velocity. The direction of the resultant velocity can be determined using trigonometry, typically with the arctangent function.

A star of magnitude plus 8 is?

A star with a magnitude of +8 is "very dim", and not visible in urban or suburban areas. Only in the darkest rural areas, and only for people with EXCELLENT eyes, would a +8 magnitude star be visible.

How is the energy released by an earthquake released to its moment magnitude?

The moment magnitude uses seismographs plus what physically occurs during an earthquake.

How is the energy released by the earthquake related to its moment magnitude?

The moment magnitude uses seismographs plus what physically occurs during an earthquake.

What is the magnitude of the complex number 8 plus 2i?

8.2462 (rounded)

How is the energy released by an earthquake related to it's moment magnitude?

The moment magnitude uses seismographs plus what physically occurs during an earthquake.

How do you find the magnitude of an integer?

The magnitude of an integer is the value of the integer with a positive (plus) sign. |5| = +5 = 5 |-5| = +5 = 5

What is the resultant of an upward force of 400lbs and a right horizontal force of 130lb?

The resultant of the upward force of 400 lbs and the right horizontal force of 130 lbs is a diagonal force with its magnitude determined by using the Pythagorean theorem (√(400^2 + 130^2) ≈ 423 lbs). This diagonal force represents the combined effect of the two individual forces acting together.