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The median of a data set comprising only one value is that value. So the median of 2.5 is 2.5.

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Q: What is the median of two and one half?
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What ratio does a median divide two equilateral triangle?

A median divides any triangle in half.

What happens when the median has two numbers?

When the median has two numbers, you add the two together and divide by 2 . The median doesn't really have 'two numbers'; you are talking about finding the median of a set of numbers that contains an even number of numbers. The median is half-way between the two.

What do you do if theres two median and one is x?

One set of data can have only one median.

The median of four numbers is 48 if three of the numbers are 42 51 52 what is the other number?

45. The median is the "middle" value of a set, where half the numbers are larger and half are smaller. When a set has an even number of values (like this one), the median is the average of the two middle numbers.

Median of 78.5 and 82.8?

The median is the value that is half way between the two values. In this case it is 80.65 because the difference between the two values is 4.3 and half of that added to the 78.5 or subttacted from the 82.8 gives you 80.65 as the median. You could also add the two numbers together and divide by two, which will also give the same result.

What does the median tell you?

The median is the middle number of any given set when they are in order, least to greatest. If there is an even number of values, the median is the average of the middle two. It tells you that half the members of the set are greater than it and half are less than it.

Why do you need to divide by 2 when trying to find the median?

Because the median is the value which is half-way along the list of values in size order. Another way of describing "half" is "divide by two".

What is median and mode of 11 and 74?

42.5 is the median as it is the value halfway between the two or half of their total. There is no mode as there is no number that occurs most often.

What does the median of a set of data tell you?

The median is the midpoint of the data set. So half the observations are greater than the median and half are smaller.

What does the median tell you about the data?

The median, by definition, tells you the "half way point" of your data. Exactly half of the observations in the dataset will be less than the median and half will be greater than the median.

How do you do the median if there are to numbers?

You find the number right in between two numbers. Example: If you land in between 1 and 2, the median would be 1.5, or 1 and a half.

Can there be more than one median to a number?

No and a single number cannot have a median either you need a series (at least two) to have a median.