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Q: What is the name for the relative angle between 2 celestial bodies?
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What is the relative angle between two celestial bodies?

The relative angle between two celestial bodies is the angular separation between them as seen from a specific point of observation. This angle is measured in degrees or radians, and it helps astronomers determine the position and movement of celestial objects in the sky.

What do you call the angular relationship between two celestial bodies?

The aspect.Comment: That's a term used in astrology, not in astronomy. I think the correct answer to this question is the astronomical term "position angle".

What invention measured the angle between a celestial body and the horizon?


Angle between equinoctial and ecliptic known as?

The angle between the equinoctial and the ecliptic is known as the obliquity of the ecliptic. It is the angle between the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun and the plane of the celestial equator. Currently, the obliquity of the ecliptic is about 23.5 degrees.

What is the function of a sextant?

Sextant is used to measure the angle between any two visible objects.Its primary use is to determine the angle between a celestial object and the the horizon which is also know as objects altitude.

What is the name if an Angle in which light leaves or bounces off of a surface relative to the normal?

The angle is called the angle of incidence. It is the angle between the incident ray and the normal to the surface at the point of incidence.

How far from zenith is the celestial equator when it crosses the celestial?

The celestial equator is always 90° from the celestial poles, so when it crosses the celestial meridian (the line passing from the north to the south celestial pole through the zenith), it is 90° away from the zenith.

Explain why there is an angle on the ecliptic that is called obliquity on the eclipticwhat is its importance?

it is because the angle between the plane of the earth,s orbit of that of the celestial equator equal to approximately 23"27 minutes at pressent

What were three methods of determining latitude and which one was the most accurate?

Three methods of determining latitude are celestial navigation using the altitude of the sun or stars, measuring the angle between the horizon and the North Star, and using a sextant to measure the angle between the horizon and a known celestial body. Celestial navigation using a sextant is considered the most accurate method for determining latitude.

When was the sextant used?

Sextant, instrument for determining the angle between the horizon and a celestial body such as the Sun, the Moon, or a star, used in celestial navigation to determine latitude and longitude. ... The angular distance of the star above the horizon is then read from the graduated arc of the sextant

What is the difference between thread angle and lead angle also clear it from diagram?

A thread angle is the angle of the threads relative to the shank which is 60 degrees for unified screws The lead angle is the pitch of the screw divided by the circumference of the shank; it varies but is around 3 degrees

How does the moons gravity affect your planet?

The Moon's gravity causes tides on Earth by pulling on the water in the oceans, creating high and low tide cycles. This gravitational interaction also causes a slight wobble in Earth's rotation, affecting the length of our days. Additionally, the Moon stabilizes Earth's axial tilt, which helps maintain the planet's climate and seasons.