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Q: What is the name given to the theory that all humans know one another through six or less people?
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Which theory states People who have little to lose are more likely to be deviant?

Control theory

What is Douglas McGregor's Theory Y?

Theory Y assumes that people are not, by nature, lazy and unreliable; it suggests that people can be basically self-directed and creative at work if properly motivated.

Who was considered the inventor of math?

No single person. Prehistoric humans counted, whereas Game Theory is very much a 20th Century development.

Is there any use of theory of relativity in day to day life?

Probably not. That's part of what made the theory so stunning-- it seemed so unconnected to our everyday experience of the world. Another way to say this is that the theory is counter-intuitive.

Who developed Theory X and Theory Y?

Douglas McGregor developed Theory X and Theory YAccording to McGregor, there are the following two types of managers:• Theory X managers - These managers believe that most of the people are self-centered, are only motivated by their physiological and safety needs, and are indifferent to the needs of the organization they work for. They (usually the team) lack ambition and have very little creativity and problem-solving capacity. As a result, they dislike their work and will try to avoid it. They will also avoid taking responsibility and initiative. There is one word to describe Theory X managers: distrust. They distrust their employees. These managers, therefore, tend to be authoritarian.• Theory Y managers - As opposed to Theory X managers, Theory Y managers trust their employees. They believe that most of the people are high performers in a proper work environment. This is because most of the people are creative and committed to meeting the needs of the organization they work for. Theory Y managers also believe that most people like to take responsibility and initiative and are self-disciplined. Finally, they also believe that most people are motivated by all levels of needs in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. These managers tend to provide more freedom and opportunity for career growth.Trivia:Given the same team and same work environment, a Theory Y Manager's team will perform better and deliver better quality work product than the team managed by the Theory X Manager. The reason is simple. People hate authority and in most cases rebel

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What did the theory of human evolution say?

The theory of human evolution proposes that humans and primates share a common ancestor and have evolved over millions of years through natural selection and genetic adaptation. It suggests that modern humans (Homo sapiens) have gradually evolved anatomically, intellectually, and behaviorally from earlier hominid species.

Why did many people oppose to Darwin's theory of evolutioin?

Many people opposed Darwin's theory of evolution because it conflicted with religious beliefs that humans were created by a divine being rather than through natural selection. Some also criticized the lack of evidence at the time to support evolution. Additionally, the idea of humans being related to other species challenged the notion of human superiority and uniqueness.

What do christians think about the theory of evolution?

Christians are known for the hate of this theory. *Humans come from monkeys* does not equal *God created Adam and Eve* (People are welcome to improve my quick answer)

Why do blacks have rights?

In theory and under the law, they have the same rights that "whites" have in the United States. However, many obstacles have been placed in their way to prevent them from exercising their equal rights until very recently.

How does Charles Darwin's theory explain the existence of modern people?

Darwin explained that humans, like every other modern organism, evolved from a series of predecessors, and through these predecessors shares ancestry with all known life on Earth.

Why don't people like cheese .- .?

one theory is that it gives you nightmares. another is that people say cheesey feet which puts them off. another is that this world is crazy.

Who are against of Charles Darwin's theory?

Many religions, including the Roman Catholic Church do not believe Charles Darwin Theory on Evolution. They believe, for example, that man did not evolve from a lesser species and that humans are humans before as they are now, contrary to Darwin's theory that man as we know now, evolved, through millions of years, from a lesser species (anthropoid apes).

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What the out of Africa theory maintain?

The out of Africa theory maintains that modern humans originated in Africa. It details that humans eventually migrated to other parts of the world.

What does the out Africa theory maintain?

The out of Africa theory maintains that modern humans originated in Africa. It details that humans eventually migrated to other parts of the world.

What are the theories regarding to the origin of people?

The two main theories regarding the origin of people are the theory of evolution, which posits that humans evolved from apelike ancestors over millions of years, and the theory of creationism, which suggests that humans were created by a divine being in their present form. Both theories have proponents and detractors, and the debate between them continues to this day.

Why do people say that the big bang created the world?

The Big Bang is just another theory.