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the end point

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Q: What is the name of the beginning point for a vector?
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What is the beginning point of a vector?

The beginning point of a vector is referred to as its origin or initial point. It is the starting position from which the vector is measured or represented by an arrow.

What does the tail of a vector indicates?

The tail of a vector represents the starting point or origin of the vector. It is the point from which the vector extends in a particular direction.

The distance from point A to point B on a grid is scalar or vector?


The distance from point A to point B on a grid is a vector?

true the distance from point A to point B on a grid = vector

What is the difference between an initial point of a vector and a terminal point?

The difference is the length of the vector.

Location and vector how they are Related?

In mathematics, a vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. When discussing the location of a point in space, a vector can be used to describe the displacement from an origin point to that location. Therefore, the location of a point and its vector are related in terms of specifying both where the point is and in what direction it is positioned from a reference point.


A position vector is a vector that represents the location of a point in space relative to a reference point or origin. It specifies the distance and direction from the origin to the point. In three-dimensional space, a position vector is typically denoted as <x, y, z>.

Take a moment about a point in physic's static means?

In vector format, the moment can be defined as the cross product between the radius vector, r (the vector from point O to the line of action), and the force vector.

If you are given the magnitude of a vector but no directionhow can you represent this vector graphically?

You cannot, unless it is a null vector. As a point.

The distance from point A to point B on a grid?


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What is mean by vector point function?

A vector point function is a function that maps points in a domain to vectors in a vector space. Each point is associated with a vector, serving as an output of the function. This can be used to represent physical quantities like force or velocity that have both magnitude and direction.