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Q: What is the origin of trigonometry ratios?
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Related questions

Where is the origin of trigonometry in 18Th century?

The origin of trigonometry in the 18th century was the trigonometric knowledge at the end of the 17th century!

Definition of plane trigonometry?

The study of the ratios of the sides and angles of triangles in the same plane.

Why trigonometry ratios are 6 in number?

They correspond to the six possible ratios of two sides of a right triangle: a/b, a/c, b/a, b/c, c/a & c/b.

How do you choose the sides in trigonometry?

We take side to take trigonometric ratios according 2 the vertex of triangle which is given.

What is the introduction of plane trigonometry?

It starts with the simple Right-Angled Triangle and its 3 simple ratios: Sine, Cosine, Tangent...

How was trigonometry discovered?

Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mathematicians lacked the concept of an angle measure, but they studied the ratios of the sides of similar triangles and discovered some properties of these ratios. The ancient Nubians used a similar methodology.

What the origin of the of the word trigonometry?

From the Greek: tri (3) gonos (sides) metros (measure)

How can you use a coordinate plane to tell if ratios are equivalent?

If the ratios are equivalent the corresponding points will all be on the same straight line through the origin.

What is the ratio used to find the tangent of a triangle In trigonometry what three common ratios are used to find the measures of the angles and sides of triangles?

financial ratio

How can you use ratios of the side lengths to find the angle measures of the acute angles in a right triangle?

By using trigonometry that is applicable to a right angle triangle.

What does trigonometry in maths term mean?

trigonometery uses the ratios of sides and angles of a right angled triangle for calculations Bye guys, hope that helped ya

How did Greek astronomers discover trigonometry?

According to Math experts, Hipparchus, Menelaus, and Ptolemy are responsible for developing Greek trigonometry for the purposes of studying differences in shapes of the planets, sun and moon. By observing the shapes of each, they were able to determine the ratios and areas of each one.