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Anywhere from 0 to 1; it depends on the shape and what numbers are written on the faces.

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Q: What is the probability of getting three fives in three rolls of a single die?
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What is the probability that 6 rolls of a fair die will show exactly three fives?

The probability of getting three fives in the first three rolls and non-fives in the next three rolls is; P(5,5,5,N5,N5,N5) = 1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6 x 5/6 x 5/6 x 5/6 = 0.002679... The number of different order in which the fives can come out is given by; 6C3 = 6!/[3!∙(6-3)!] = 20 So the probability that in 6 rolls of a fair die exactly three fives (in any order) will come out is; P(three fives any order) = (20)∙(1/6)3∙(5/6)3 = 0.05358... ~ 5.4%

What is the probability that 15 rolls of a fair die will show 5 fives?

If the die is fair, the answer is 3003/32768 = 0.0624 or approx 1 in 16.

What is the probability that 20 rolls on a single die will show four twos?

It is 0.2022

If a die is rolled 3 times what is probability of getting an even number?

if a die is rolled.What is the probibil ty that an even number divisible by 3 appears

Suppose that on the first roll you get 5 5 4 3 2 If you pick up one of the fives and try for a large straight what is the probability you will succeed in the two rolls that remain?


What is the probability of rolling 2 sixes in a row with a single die?

It is a certainty. If the die is rolled often enough, the probability that two consecutive rolls show a six is 1.

What is the probability of getting a six when you roll a dice?

The answer depends on how often you roll it! For one roll it is 1/6 but the probability increases to a near certainty as you increase the number of rolls.

What is the probability of 1 6 4 on 3 rolls of a die?

What is the probability of 1, 6, 4, on 3 rolls of a die

What is the probability of rolling a multiple of 3?

The answer depends on how often the die is rolled. As the number of rolls increases, the probability gets near enough to 1 as makes no difference. For a single roll, the answer is 1/3.

You roll six sided die three timeswhat is the probability that all three rolls will be a 1?

The probability that each roll will be a 1, is 1/6 (a sixth) because there is one outcome of interest (getting a 1) and 6 possible outcomes (6 numbers on the die).Probability rules mean that if you want the probability of getting outcome A and getting outcome B then the total probability is P(A) x P(B) where P(A) means the probability of getting outcome A).In short if you want P(A and B) then this is P(A) x P(B)Applied to this example if you want the probability of getting a 1 on each throw of the die (i.e. on all 3 throws) then the probability is given by:P(1 on all three rolls) = P(1 on first roll) x P(1 on second role) x P(1 on third role)P(1 on all three rolls) = 1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6P(1 on all three rolls) = 1 / 216

What is the probability of rolling a 2 on a die and then re-rolling the die and getting an even number?

The probability of rolling a 2 is 1 in 6. The probability of rolling an even number is 3 in 6. The probability of doing both, on two rolls, is 3 in 36, or 1 in 12.

Probability is the what that something will or will not occur?

Probability is the likelihood that something will occur. If you subtract it from 1, we get the likelihood (or probability) that it will not occur. If a coin is tossed and rolls heads 6 times, the (empirical) probability of obtaining a head is 6/10 or .6. 1-.6 =.4 is the empirical probability (or likelihood) of not getting a head.