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It is 1 - (1/2)10 = 0.9990, approx.

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Q: What is the probability of guessing at least one correct answer out of ten true or fase questions?
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What is the probability of randomly guessing at least 8 questions correct on a 10 question true-or-false quiz?

It is 0.0547

What is the probability of getting 5 out of 6 True false questions correct?

The answer should depend on how well you know the topic! It also depends on whether you have enough intelligence to make at least some informed guesses.But assuming you do not have that basic intelligence and are still doing the questions by simply guessing, the probability is 0.0938

What is the probability in decimals of a student getting at least one answer correct out of ten true or false questions?

0.05 I think is the answer

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On an eight question true false quiz a student guesses each answer What is the probability that he gets at least One of the answers correct?

The probability of getting at least 1 answer correct = 1 - Probability of getting all answers correct.So in your case it for be P(at least 1 answer correct) = 1 - 1/256where 256 is your sample space, |S| = 2^8.

How many questions can you miss to get a 50 percent on a 35 question test?

To get a 50% on the test, you need at least (50/100) * 35 = 17.5 questions correct. If half credit is not possible, you need to get at least 18 questions correct to get a score of at least 50%. A score of 17 will be just shy of 50%.

If you were to flip a coin 4 times what is the probability of getting heads at least one time?

As the question is "what is the probability of getting at least one head" the correct way to answer this is to ask what is the probability of not getting any heads and then subtract this from 1.The probability of not getting a head in 4 flips = 0.54 (i.e. 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5) = 1/16.Therefore the probability of getting at least one head is 1 - 1/16 = 15/16.

What is the probability that someone will answer at least one of the eight questions correctly?

The answer to this question depends on how easy or difficult the eight questions are. If, for example, the questions were based on Godel's incompleteness theorem it is very likely that nobody could answer them - ever.

If a student takes an 8 question true or false quiz and a student guesses each answer then what is the probability that heshe gets at least 1 correct?

The probability of getting at least 1 correct answer is equal to one minus theprobability of answering all incorrect, this would be;P(atleast 1 correct) =1 - P(allincorrect) =1 - (1/2)8 =1 - 0.00390625 ~~ 0.9961 ~ 99.61%

Is there a penalty for guessing wrong on the SAT or ACT?

You lose 1/4 point for a wrong answer on the SAT 1 - guessing or not. You are encouraged to guess smart if you can eliminate at least one answer choice, though. On the ACT, however, there is not a guessing penalty so it is strongly encouraged that you answer all questions, even when you do not know the answer.

What is least likely in probability?

An impossible event, with probability 0.

What does probability level mean?

The probability level for an outcome is the probability that the outcome was at least as extreme as the one that was observed.